
The most important moment of my life is right now because this is the only one. The past is quickly fading and the future is nothing more than and idea. You can only experience this moment... everything else is an imagination. You are always safe in this moment - the anxiety, fears, and regrets are all in your mind.


Can you give gratitude for every moment? Acknowledging what just happened?

Can you love the present and everything about it? Can you love yourself and this moment unconditionally? To love everything is the experience - in the present moment - as it unfolds - without judgement or comparison to the past? Without anticipation or envy for the future?

Hit Reset

When you are 100% focused on what you are doing right now. This instant is the most important moment in your life. Nothing else exist when you are living in the moment. Remember: What's important now is all the matters. What's important later will reveal itself in time. Time = Awareness. Where is your awareness right now?

April 2024



Celebrate Tiny Wins!

See: Done


See Not Now



2017-03-17 06:05

2017-03-03 07:13

Working on now:


AuthorDock, USA

Professional Title

Catalyst for Miracles

What do I do?

I help writers become authors, authors become publishers, and publishers become smart marketers.

My other passions in life are Yoga, Ukulele, and Meditation.


Why do I do what I do? Because doing what I do allows me to live on the beautiful California central coast, near friends, family, and a community I love.

What should we read?

I try to read a book/month. Most contain wisdom worth sharing. This year, I am working on Letting myself Go. I will revisit Trying Not to Try and discovering more about Wu Wei everyday.

Visit my Kindle reading page here.

Related URLs:

More thoughts on Now

Most of the time, we are thinking about the past or the future. We are lost in a thought that may be related, but not immediately needed in this moment.

For example, when a yoga class begins to feel hard, thoughts such as the following tend to arise:

And on and on...

But there are moments within my practice of 'doing' where I am thinking about nothing but the 'doing.' I am struck by the analogy of a circuit - it doesn't waste energy thinking about where it's been or where it's going. It puts all of its energy into the point it's at. Where the circuit lights up is where ALL it's energy is.

I'm not saying we should be like programs. There is definitely benefits to 'day dreaming' and letting our minds draw possible connections to what is happening now. In fact, all of my great ideas stem from my mind drifting away from what is happening now.

But there's a real power to putting all your thought energy into what you are doing. To do your best work, you must focus all of your energy on the task.

I have been practicing samatha meditation which has been helping me get into a state of flow faster & more often.

When a thought arises, what do you do? Do you have a reliable capture system?

Is this what meditation really is? Focusing on the NOW.

If so, the opportunity to meditate presents itself at all times. :-)
Didn't you just say you were happiest when you were meditating?
Then if you can meditate at all times, you can be happy at all times!