Confidence is asking for what you want with nonattachment to the outcome.
"Confidence comes from a mind-set of abundance and wealth and gives us the freedom to ask for help, to ask for more, and to ask for what we deserve. Confidence makes us attractive to friends and clients. It gains trust and even inspires confidence in others. Confidence is damn sexy." ~ James Victore
Where does it come from?
From adversity:
When facing a setback in life, it can be hard to see the upside. Whether the challenges propel us forward or pull us down is up to each of us. It's through rising up to meet the challenge that we build resilience. You'll improve your AQ number and have the confidence to take on more significant challenges. Obstacles are no longer viewed as markers to avoid, but rather seen as opportunities to literally rewire and raise our AQ.
What is confidence?
It is knowing we can do something because we've done it before or are familiar enough with whatever it is that we believe we can accomplish it.
What are some ways we can increase our confidence? Here are 5 tips to increase your confidence:
Acknowledge and reward yourself for even the tiniest achievements. Doing this helps build a sense of accomplishment and pride which can significantly boost your self-confidence.
Taking calculated risks can help you create better opportunities and grow. This will enhance your feeling of capability and empowerment, helping build confidence.
Take responsibility for your mistakes instead of blaming others or external factors. This will help you develop skills needed to get things done, gain others’ trust and become more confident in your abilities.
Surround yourself with inspiring people and positive affirmations. This will help maintain the good vibes and bolster your motivation to reach your goals.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and commit to achievable goals. Setting unrealistic expectations only causes frustration and anxiety and affects your confidence.
What precedes confidence? Fear.
Fear is the natural companion of creative action. ~ Barbara Sher
On Confidence
There is a fine line between confidence & arrogance. Be confident in your ability but stay open to the reality that you can always improve.
Consider that your confidence is affected by the quality & effectiveness of the system you use to stay on top of all your commitments.
Resist your urge you feel to create those by and; Self-discipline is the source of your confidence.
What I’ve found is that when you’re truly focused on an outcome, confidence is not an issue! Because you are tied to the outcome, how you get there is less important. Will it be messy? Probably. Will it be hard? That’s a given. Will it be fun? That’s not the point.
Knowledge is a source of confidence that you can always grow…and if you don’t have the knowledge (or the time to acquire it), you can find someone who does. That’s the beauty of the web! It has empowered an entire generation with more confidence than we’ve ever had because knowledge is free!