
Wealth is generated by adding value. Adding value is achieved through creating, not consuming. Consumption is taking, creating is giving. Are you a giver or a taker?

Wealth, in all its forms, is the result of giving value, not just taking. Consuming is easy; it’s passive and fleeting. Creating, on the other hand, requires effort but leads to growth, impact, and eventually, rewards.

So the real question is: Are you contributing to the world, or just taking from it? Those who create—not just consume—shape the future.

Big Picture

Making the shift from consuming to creating. Moving from passive consumption to active production brings fulfillment and purpose.

In a world dominated by consumption—whether through social media, entertainment, or endless information—people often feel unfulfilled, as they’re not adding value to the world. The key to overcoming this sense of emptiness lies in embracing a creator mindset, where producing something—whether tangible or digital—moves individuals closer to their purpose. It's about stepping away from passive habits and becoming an active contributor to the world, which can lead to fulfillment, growth, and often, unexpected rewards.


  1. Create What You Consume: Start by producing content or products related to what you already enjoy consuming. For example, if you're interested in surfing, create content on surfing—even if you’re not near the beach.

  2. Daily Production: Commit to creating something every day, no matter the quality. The act of creation is the most important step, not perfection.

  3. Combat Resistance: Expect resistance since creating is more mentally taxing than consuming. Push through it, as challenging tasks often bring the most rewards.

  4. Focus on Action: Stop consuming more information. Instead, act on what you know. Reading books and consuming content can feel productive, but true productivity comes from creation.

  5. Use Feedback to Improve: Share your creations with others and use their feedback to refine your work. This cycle will help you improve your skills and serve others better.

  6. Start Small: If you don’t know what to create, begin with something small and manageable. Just create today, even if it feels like a minor step. It’s the beginning of a larger shift.

  7. Shift Your Perspective: Understand that the more value you add to the world through creation, the more value will return to you—whether through fulfillment, recognition, or financial rewards.

  8. Practical Example: Try turning your interests into production. Record yourself discussing or analyzing topics you're passionate about, and post it for others to engage with.

Creating is the act of bringing something into the world that did not exist before.

I see myself as a creator and the world as my canvas.

I do not give merit to my opinions of myself or others, but rather of that which is created. My focus in on the creation, not the creator.

The more I let go of my opinions, the more I can appreciate the tangible result which is created.

Your life as the creation, the world your canvas.

The purpose of my life is to create. My ideal creations consist of what others value, utilize, or can appreciate and embrace. The significance of my creation is all that matters in the end. My own significance (or opinion of myself in relation to significance) doesn't matter. For I am separate from my creation. Who I am is insignificant. What's significant is what I can create from who I am.

When my ideas are embraced by others, my ideas will matter.

I seek to create that which others can engage with. Others appreciate your creation to the extent they are willing pay for it, and this is all you need to know about creation.

We are all co-creators.

Our role as creators is to assimilate what we learn. To apply, test, and experiment. To fail until we get our creation right. The creation causes us to fail until we get it right.

The more you learn, the more you can assimilate, and the more you assimilate, the more you will be able to learn. It's not until we apply what we learn that we can be ready for new material. To level up is to experiment, and to experiment is to fail. Until you try, you'll never truly know and you'll never grow. You must assimilate what you learn for it to carry you forward. Failure is a sign of progress. Wear it proudly. Celebrate your failures, for they are a sign of progress.

The more you put the concept of assimilation into practice, the more you'll begin to see the framework from which all creation is based. Once you discover the framework of creation, you can use it to create anything you desire. Just keep in mind the time and experience factor. You will need to fail many times before you succeed. Fact: Overnight successes usually take 10 years or more. You have to acquire the knowledge and assimilate it. This takes time. Mastery demands you apply what you learn.

The process of assimilation takes time. It takes practice. It takes dedication, discipline, and most of all trust.

Think about some of the creations of others:

Catherine Hudson created Katy Perry. The creator separated herself from the creation, and lot what arose!

Katy Perry is only a persona, and she knows that. Katy Perry is significant, Catherine Hudson is not. It's not to say she as a person is not significant - she is. But what matters is the creator, not the creator.

Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner created Sting.

Paul David Hewson created Prince.

Reginald Kenneth Dwight created Elton John.

Peter Gene Hernandez created Bruno Mars.

Danielle Anderson created Danielle Ate The Sandwich.

We can create personas as husband, wife, father, mother, daughter, friend, and so on... Every role provides an opportunity to create.

Rather than live up to an ideal, we can create the ideal. This is what Danica Patrick has done.

What we create is not be dependent upon how we feel about ourselves. Rather, creation is independent of ourselves - and the more we separate ourselves from our creation, the bigger our creation becomes.

When we are in awe of a creation, we see examples of this. Everyone is the same - it's what we create that separates us from each other.

Life is about creating is what we enjoy.

The secret to a fulfilled life is to find what you enjoy, find a way to create it to the extent others embrace it, pay for it, and love you for it.

Most of us spend our life without this knowledge, and as a result live lives of quiet desperation. I'd fault society to a large extent for this. Society often tells us that doing what we love is selfish. And until you've 'made it,' your endeavor is just a hobby. But to the creator, it's far more than a hobby. It's a reflection of who they are and the role they create which makes up the art of thy self.

Time as a canvas


I am awe struct by the co-creation of Nick and Kelly at the weekly live music yoga class. Kelly directs the flow (her art) and Nick co-creates with his music (his art). The two co-create in such a way that it's a unique creation that could have never arisen otherwise. Spark is the canvas for their art to manifest. Money is currency that makes the art flow.

What is your canvas? Let PubWriter your web canvas.

The seed of life is creation.

We were born out of creation and have a deep need to create.

The purpose of life is to constantly bring new creations into being (PubWriter can help).

Everything we have is the result of co-creation. The vast majority of the art we value arises through the contributions of others.

case in point: I use partners to build books. I have a cover designer, and editor, an layout, and someone who coordinates it all on behalf of the author.

When I teach, I create.

I have ideas for new courses I want to teach. The idea is the germination. The assimilation is the creation of that course. The completion is when I've given it to others.

What I can do is create a canvas for others to teach.

Your life is a beautiful creation - you should share it with more people!

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What will you create today?