Yoga, Ukulele, and Meditation - My secret recipe for health and happiness.

At this phase in my life, I've found keeping these 3 practices in my life have allowed me to experience greater joy, appreciate my life, and guide me towards my truth.


For 10 years I've been practicing yoga. It came after 5 years of struggling wit chronic back pain following 20 years as an amateur triathlete. After a year of practicing yoga, I awoke for the first time in 5 years without back pain. I honor my early teachers who took the time to help me develop as a newbie.


5 years ago I began practicing Transcendental meditation. I often share with my fellow yogis that meditation is the icing on the cake of yoga. But here's what I really discovered about meditation for myself and why it's stuck as a habit (I mediation for at least 20 minutes everyday). In a word, peace. When I took a dive to reflect on the one and only thing I really need, it's peace. Mediation provides me with the deepest sense of peace I've ever experienced in my life. When I get into a particularly blissful meditation (which might happen 1-2x/week), I feel as if I'm back in the womb.


Music has always made a huge impact on me. I appreciate music and have it playing in the background for most of the day. I played guitar for more than 20 years, but plateaued in college. It wasn't until I started teaching ukulele 2 years ago that music had a purpose for me. Having to teach an idea to others gives learning a heightened sense of importance. As an active participant in music


I try to carve out 30-90 minutes a day to write. I find the time to reflect on what this offers. In a way, like mediation, it allows me to slow down and look around at the amazing life I get to live.


I have to give credit to my mother who was a teacher for passing along genes that allow me to be a good teacher. It requires patience, an appreciation for where others are at, and tuning in to the needs of others. A big part of what's made a big difference for me is to adopt technology as a teaching aid. As a teacher I recognize and appreciate the gift teachers give to the world.