The Two of You

At any moment, there are two of you. One is familiar, the other is not. One is in your comfort zone, the other is beyond it. One plays it safe, the other is fearless.

One who has always been there, one who has never been there.

One driven by habits, the other driven by intention.

One is predictable, the other a stranger.

Be the stranger. Go after the +1.

The you is trusts itself, the one that does not.

One who is not afraid of anything.

One who does not judge, criticize, or complain.

The one asks permission, the one who begs forgiveness. The one who who believes it's better to be safe than sorry. The other who believes it's better to be sorry than safe.

The one who takes a chance.

The one who hesitates too long.

One who waits. One who never hesitates. One who aims but never shoots. One who shoots before they aim.

One who regrets. One who is grateful.

One who does what feels called to do, one who does what he feels obligated to do.

The one who stands tall. The one who shrugs and cowers.

The one who takes action, the one who finds a new distraction.