
Define Trust:

A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Believing in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of.

And what happens when someone breaks our trust?

Today, I feel like it all comes down to communication.

Trust often comes down to how we respond to the small events of our lives. We cultivate trust (or expose our lack thereof) in the minutia of life. In any relationship, giving an trustworthiness is established in the smaller things we do and say. Ultimately, those factors weigh in our judgement as to whether we determine someone can be trusted or not.

It can take years to build trust and seconds to destroy it.

Time is an opportunity to either erode or build trust.

Obedience, trust, and loyalty

We can learn from our pets. That unconditional love that you have from your dog? It's because you feed the pet! It will become loyal to it's owner as long as it's owner feeds it (nutritionally, spiritually, emotionally).

How are we any different? I've seen first hand men who mistreat their wives, yet their wives remain loyal. Why? The husbands are feeding them in some way: often financially!

Blind Trust

What I don't understand is the ignorance of being a witness to acts which should indicate that someone is not to be trusted, yet we continue to trust blindly.

I belief it stems from the conflict of interest people have. It's ultimately in their best interests to trust the individual because they perceive a benefit in continuing the illusion of trust when all evidence suggest someone is behaving in distrustful ways.

What breaks your trust?

Flickr initially encouraged you to load up all your photos (an entire TB for free). Later, they made a policy change: If you have more than 1000 photos, they delete 'em if you don't pay a subscription.

Bottomline is to ask the question: What's in it for them?


Trust | PPT

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