Writing Tools

I prefer to write using Markdownsyntax. It is a much more reliable way to format your work, and the tools available to create in Markdown are endless.

I also use the ShortURLplugin to redirect some of my posts to other authoring tools and source content.

For years, I was experimenting with tools like Typerighter, and Simplenote.

My primary goal was to find a system that allows me to write locally (not requiring an internet connection), keep my material private until such time I'm ready to publish.

My exploration led me to PubWriter. It allows build content offline and sync up when I come back online (via dropbox). It also allows me to build a page on my own domain.

What I've learned is that you have to pick a system and be disciplined to stick with it. To be effective with the technology, you have to adapt your way of working to reflect how the tool works best.

Too many tools can stifle creation. The more you work with one particular tool, the less you have to think about the mechanics of how to use it. And it's when you get to the point that the tools because as mindless as driving a car or riding a bike that you really benefit from the tool.

The other insight I've had is to segment information (my posts) into small chunks – with each addressing a specific question. The question this post answers is: What tools do I use to create this site? Once you've answer the question, it's time to move on to another post. But I will come back to this post when I have some more clarity (which comes over time – never all at once).

I've learned that questions are the most powerful way to get clarity and purpose in everything you do. Often, the answer is a matter of finding the right question – and then letting our brains answer that question.

PS: You can try to use the Mytory Markdown wordpress plugin to convert your wordpress content into Markdown and effortlessly into your PubWriter dropbox folder. I'm still testing it, so if you have a wordpress site now, let me know and we can run a pilot. You can also use my HTML to Markdown conversion tool.