Jan-2017 audio notes

A test of Temi.

I drop my audio MP3 files from my voice recorder and for $.10/min - they are beautifully transcribed! The Temi editing tool is great for fixing up any errors in the transcription! Q. What is the going rate for transcriptions when you enlist a google search? $.80/min and up (Temi does have an ad that pops up).

Ideally, you'd post your short audio on a pubwriter page + the transcription under it.


Get life to work on this one is redefining. Because stress stems from.

Constraint. Right. And the constraints of time. Set by high expectations or lack of expectations is exactly what.

Caused the straps. Now. In On-Demand world. On which everybody has a sense of urgency as if.

It's like needs to be done right now.

That's not true. The other thing is things take twice as long as you. Expect. The. Third is.

Carving out time for sleep and the rest of regular life interruptions anticipating interruptions will help the sort of freeze frame. How I'm spending time I'm allocating time. And how I'm expected to time. Saving. The. Word. Xpect. Is the expectations of a particular. Just. Think about this. It's. Clarity because it's like to be able to take a nap. And. Be able to. Rest. Well and not worry about what's happening. Outside that time. When I'm. Out. Way Your head is full of. Other things. Stuff should all of. Us.

Need to do is mentoring each hour each segment. And those can be predefined and should be free to find and intentional. And know that every other segment outside the box. Sets a time box. You block out the time and the time box. Physically. Mentally creates these blocks around that don't allow. You to meet. The.

Rail. Anyway. So. You know there's something significant. About.

Simplicity. I've seen. Programs. Is a very basic. Way came from point of. For. A. Program is. Just. To. Produce a specific outcome. And the programmer. Continues to tweak it. Until it produces the outcome. Just like what I am fine to a writer page. And they'll take whatever resources they can get their hands on. To make that happen. And at some point. They may. Require some education to learn how. Do something. To write something for it. Some. Difference are there's like there's this. There's a progression a natural progression and you must go. So thinking the most basic would be. Learning the Laili. Let's break it down into sort of the elements got. You've got court power.

Look at all the different aspects that any of them. You break them down. One by one. And work on them and not get so caught up in not producing the outcome that. Trip is we start to. Start to. Demand the outcome without. Maybe appreciating the worker or writing the program or writing the program we just want to Boom-Boom why it's so difficult just as we get frustrated when. We sit down and a program.

Can't do what we wanted to do. That's. Nothing we can do about that. And I know that there's this. Generational gap where people. Some people to get tend to get really upset frustrated with.

Computers because they think it should just be click click click and it does what you wanted to do. Well that's not the way it works. That's not the way life works. So. What. You. Really. Think about how powerful this. Stuff. Is. Then. Continue.

To build it out throw it out. For example. If the outcome. The desired outcome is a million dollars. What are the contents of that program and how long. That program need to. Run in order to produce the. The. Process and really the only thing. That we can do is. Grab the tools that have access to. Try to run the program as best camp. It will take many many attempts. To run the program. To produce the outcome. Lots of tweaks. Might produce the outcome. Just. Enough. To tweak. The PD. There's so many ways like. Start to really. Have an about a system that. Runs life. I think that's a big part. There is a system. There. Is a system out there. That's. That system. It's going to require you to overcome a lot of emotional. Obstacles for example to make a million bucks you're going to have to get comfortable. Going to have to have those conversations that.

You've been avoiding the conflicts right that you are going to come up. You can't have any fear or anything go back otherwise. The program's not running right. That's the program hits a stop.

Here. And until you resolve that air you're going to keep right the program. But it's going to keep going. Stop. Dancing. On. Got to rest. Here. Is. The situation. You've been. In in many ways the obstacles that do. Come up. Are actually. The programs written to.

Deal with those obstacles. Those. The programs like obstacles are part of the. Process. The process is. There and programs are written. To overcome.

The obstacles so don't get upset or frustrated when there's an obstacle between the way you want to go. That's perfect. That's by design.

Wise fun is playing the games if you know there would be no purpose to the program if we could pass the other way we should. Is. When we run a program and.

There's no obstacles. We run the program. And we run into an obstacle or like what fucks wrong. Well. Guess what. You just threw something there was something in the universe. Something that.

Checked it up. It's that simple. It's really that simple.

The same thing happens in judo when I compile. Like if you make any changes in the whole document. And you don't go back and for example you're on the table of contents free the end notes like.

That's just the perfect analogy for life. Sometimes you get errors and then. Living skillfully is knowing how. To. Go in and resolve the issues that are causing the air. And if you really think about the cause of an error. It's not that anything is wrong it's that something needs to be tweaked in the content. That. And there are times when life will feel heavy. And.

The obstacles will feel insurmountable. But.

It's only temporary. It's impermanence everything will change. Don't be surprised when things get better. Don't be surprised when things get worse. It's all about the obstacles but really you can find equanimity. Shifts in your perspective and knowing. This true that these obstacles these problems that. Appear. Are simply. There for the program.

To challenge the program. The program can then continue to adapt to evolved. And. Can become more skillful in overcoming. Future larger obstacles which the greatest obstacle of all our own demise our own death. Think about it. You got to be prepared for that. Here's what's awesome is when you look at going to yoga like I am right now what I'm doing. Is I'm.

Preparing myself for the obstacles ahead. What will. Be a year.

Later in life because they will.

That's the beauty of this preventative. Somebody you can call preventative maintenance. I prefer to call it. Equanimity training or. Programming. Because what I'm doing this is stalling loops. And. Programs and routines so that. I can overcome the obstacles. Why. Because believe me there's obstacles. And it's easy to see that when you don't. When you don't. Do the things like yoga. You are ill prepared. For.

What lies ahead aren't you. If you work too much. You. Will. Suffer. The consequences of working too much. Do you. Not have. A. Team. In place and you get all frazzled like this. Behind.

Me. But think about. Yoga back in your side of the.

Tracks. The. Reason. Is. That I. Think. This might be a good demo. For the class. Because when you share information you've got music behind it. That information is so much better because the music is essentially providing a channel for what's being communicated. To land and to be remembered much more effective than just talk. Because let's get real. Not everybody's voices. And information and messages are easy to. Listen to. How beautiful backing tracks like you can do with ukulele. Then the information is far more receptive or more receptive to it. I want you to consider living your life. As a.

Chef. Absolutely nothing was a mistake. Everything that happened. Was exactly as it. Should have. Meaning. Every experience. Every decision. Every bit of your life. Is. Exactly as.

It is. The beauty of living in that way my friend. Is you no longer have to have any regrets. And you no longer have to fear anything that's ahead of you either you know or. No longer have to worry. You no. Longer have to have regrets. Imagine the way. That it's. Let off. Imagine the weight that is taken off your backpack. Carry. It around for years. Everything is going to be fine. Everything has been fine everything's been happening. According to. The plan the program exactly as it should be and it will continue to unfold exactly as it should be. That doesn't mean that you're not going to have those feelings now and that.

Doesn't mean you have to get those feelings anyway. I've got to go. See him come let him go and. Live your life. You will always make the right decisions. You'll always adjust because when you don't make the right decisions you'll learn from those. Decisions you made and to make. A new decision. To decide.

To go down the path. Exactly yes. And the challenge is not running this routine teens in your head which is.

Not reality. That is hypothesis. That's. Theory but rather running them. In the program so you're fully experiencing what's happening and not. Thinking about.

Whether or not you're running the right way. You're not riding in the 70s. What if. What are. The thoughts. Of what we need to do. In the sequence when we.

Do that. Produce a particular outcome. Are in fact. Separte. They were riding. A lot of power. Doesn't it. It's just programming it. So we brought it. So. We run that program that. We see whether or not there's. Is. So yes Don. Duyvil. Right. To write a program that. Follows But when you. Click. To see. If you actually run the program. That's when the errors. Come out. That's when you. Know what. Your.

Programming which are your thoughts. Because the. Pre-programming the thoughts are.

Critical or vital or important. I see the value in listening to some good audio on the way to yoga. If need be. It's. Programming. To precede the program if you will it's. Just.

The research. This can all be boiled down. Into what I do. DAY TO DAY. When I research a new solution for example look at building Jennifer's Web site you know I'm exploring I do some research to find some other ways to plug an Instagram. Type. Put into the embed code. So essentially I'm attacking the code a little bit change. In the program. And. Then I run it and see what the output is and then I run it on a mobile device so I'm. I'm testing it.

But it's not until I test this that I see whether or not it works.

But there's research. Then there's the programming and then there's the running. And of course there's recognizing what other programs are doing. So when I see another Web site that produces the outcome that we'd like to have. I can view source and I can look at the source code. Now my skill as a programmer is my ability to decode the source. Same can be said as we look at other people. Let's go back to the Elgie and are flat belly. For me to code what are the programs what's the source code that makes up that individual with the flat belly. And then.

Run those. Copy that code. And run it. And guess what I'm going to have the flat belly outcome.

It's that simple. You must look closely at the underlying code. What are that.

What some of the foundational aspects that they used to run that code for example going to spark you to look more like the other people that Spart. But unless you're running similar code you're not going to quite have the same outcome. And what I'm talking about is. Health. And Ardai. The fact that what really makes the difference between the. Superfit. The Ultracet. And the rest of us izing is their diet and the choices they make which are the subroutines they run. Prior. To. What we see. Like. What you see in class is just. One aspect of everything they do to produce the outcome.

Which is their body which is their. Selves. E-books didn't kill books video killed books and the mass availability really used to. The fact that someone can watch a book summary rather than buy the book.

That makes video summaries of books extremely valuable. That channel. I.

Should start. And it says only because so much of what new. Information white shapes us. Unknowingly is the subconscious that it's shape. Right that. Upstream from the Koncz. So. All the kids playing nice. I don't want a mindless. Video games. That. Involved shooting and. Killing. And self-consciously programming. And becoming quite. Were. Quite. Land that's like quite. Because of that. The. Education. That I get. That I get myself that I put myself through it. Is. Really critical. To continually let me like who I am today. As a result of all that knowledge and. I can put. Myself.

Even myself. The last two. Years. Which. Is heading towards the white. No question it's no wonder that I have an epiphany. Clarity that I have now. I've been training myself. It's not like you just wake up one day and all of a sudden you have. This need. To start now it's. Planting the seeds of knowledge. Creeping into. Your. Work. Like. People in the world are the ones. Don't see. Well. You're not going to get any smarter than they are right now. I'm sad. But that's. Also their choice. Their routine and their program. No judgment there. It's just. The program. It's not their fault. They just haven't gotten exposed. I really have to thank. My yoga teachers all the. People. David Lynch. You've been exposed to these. Things that. Have opened up a.

Family. And we must act on that knowledge in a sequence that is needed right. Timeliness is key. Knowledge is great. But until that knowledge is not applied at their precise time. Which is. Usually a big window of time. When it needs to be applied and it just. Doesn't. Manifest itself. In any kind of an experience. For example a 30 foot waves down in the ocean today Friday. Unless I go down there today or tomorrow when it is. Time. Want to gauge the weather somewhere and just look at the number of covered parking spots. They have the more covered parking spots. The worst the weather where whether it's rain. Or snow or anything else.

These remind states of yoga today. Significant ones ones that look at Donald Trump and maybe write something about this that what he's able to do is what a lot of us are able to do and that's continue to run the sub routines or the design of the program while the program is running.

No you can't be worrying about. For example. In yoga. Working. Doing the exercise or working hard. While you're working hard. I can't be thinking through all the reasons for it so I can expand on that quite a bit. That. Is. What I have to wonder is whether or not. Pams. Whether or not he could take on the role of helping me get.

Parser installed and a few things worked out. Telecommutes.