Task Timer

This Chrome plugin may change your life!

  1. Note the language that triggers the thinking. Are your 'working on it' or producing something?

  2. Produce at the level of B- Focus on the B- result! Limit your time.

Focus on who it is your serving and aim to produce the result that would help them.

Be specific on the times you allocate for what.

Let go of the perfection is

Passive vs. Massive action

Passive action is learning, acquiring, info gathering. There's no risk. There's little chance of failure. Massive action is producing result. There's risk. You have to put yourself out there. Be ready to fail.

She only works 3 days per week.

Monday till noon-6pm. Weds, and Thursdays!

No breaks. Total immersion. She gets breaks on Tuesdays and Fridays!

Give yourself only 3 days to get all your work done - see what happens!

Your brain is wired not to fail, but the path to success is failure!!!


Create a process to move towards discomfort. This is a key to success. Learn to become more comfortable with the discomfort.

Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.

Schedule comfort time so you can book plenty of discomfort!

Comfort time is non-negotiable!

For me? * Yoga * Mediation * Ukulele * Reading * Writing (critiki) *

The 3 reasons why most people don't take action (and what to do about it):

  1. Don't Produce results.
  2. Limit how much time you spend on tasks (aim for one hour of intensely focused work). Aim for B- work.
  3. Discomfort is the currency to your dreams. Don't avoid discomfort. Plan to fail!

Quotes that are holding you back?

If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail. BS! You need to fail to move ahead.


Are you working on it or producing it?

Example: Let's get on the phone and record a synopsis of what you're going to speak at TechBrew about. This is your opportunity to hook the audience. It's the prologue to your talk.

vs. Let's work on....

too much time to produce that result!

More time that clients when we start.

8 hours is too much time to get your work done.


I'd like to propose something.

As you know, people who attend my bootcamp are more likely to attend my Uke 202 class. Because of this, I hate to miss the

When you get on the phone, set a limit. If you have a client who always takes an hour, give 'em 30 minutes. I have another call at 8:30. And set your timer!