Mike Stauder



As I update your projects, you will see notifications from AuthorDock. If not, they may be going into your spam folder.

It's not a requirement that you use AuthorDock, but I (and my team) use it to keep our ducks in a row. Unless I put it in AuthorDock as I milestone, it'll fall off my radar.

If you do want to use it, your authorDock login is: mike.

You can login here:

I finished the eBook formatting and conversion for Harvesting Terra and placed the epub & mobi files into our shared dropbox. In order to set it up on your KDP account, I'll need your help with Amazon's 2-factor authentication.

One improvement in 2020 is the ability to embed the chapter font you've been using in MS Word into the Kindle and ePub files. There's no guarantee that old kindle readers support this feature, but most of the modern eBook readers should.

Are you still writing in Mac Pages and saving to MS Word?

Thanks, Brian

(From 2017)

Hi Brian,
We are finally settled in and I’m back to taking care of business. We are just south of Ft. Worth, TX.
I’ve had a thought about the Silent Trek series. Adding illustrations made the books rather large, and because of the file size I upped the price. What I think I should have done is put the images on my website and put a link in the eBooks to access them. I’m currently pondering doing an edit so I can create a print version, without images, and possibly selling the ebooks for 99 cents. Let me know what you think.
Hope your break was good. Looking forward to getting back in gear and hopefully making some money.


Hi Mike,

Good to hear from you. I am exploring the possibility that sending a postcard with a link to an e-letter would grab someone's attention. Of course, it assumes you know someone's physical address.

That's kinda what I'm doing when I setup a channel like this. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a single URL for all our correspondence & history?

Fan Building Framework

What you could do is offer your kindle readers an incentive of the edition with pictures (or a supplemental picture book) via your website (if they signup as a subscriber). Then you can market your other books to them. It's all about the fan building framework.

True fans want to fund your journey. By sharing your creations, you are providing something of value, fans want to reciprocate. It's about picking one platform and sticking to it.

Your amazing artwork

I would love to help you find you a fantasy/science fiction author who could get your artwork in front of millions of readers. Your work deserves it.

Q. Do you favor 500px or DeviantArt?


(Whoa - last time I updated this was in 2018!)

You can read the introduction of the book I'm writing (Wireframed) here.

Enjoy your journey!

~ Brian