Y Combinator's Startup School

As I look back on 2019, Startup School was one of two things I did that I can honestly say were the best use of my time. (The other if you are curious was the CodeSLO bootcamp).

As an entrepreneur, it's a extremely helpful to be part of a community like SUS.

They have created a pretty amazing framework of support consisting of:

My public profile: https://www.startupschool.org/companies/pubwriter


New for 2020 - Website Feedback

Here's a list of some of the sites they critiqued:

Some of them are using https://provely.io/ on their landing pages.

It really got me thinking that PubWriter is the ultimate A/B Website Testing Tool. Why? Can you can spin up new pages so quickly.

You test. You see where the clicks go. It's a great way to create a 'digital flier' and gain insight into who is stopping to look at the flier you posted!

My elevator pitch...

PubWriter is the fastest way to publish a website. Beginning with set of templates optimized for google, you can spend less time designing a website and more time writing quality content. A simple save-to-publish technology automates publishing through your own Dropbox. Click save and the page is published or updated. PubWriter is ideal for fans of Markdown, users of minimalist editors, and anyone who needs a professional pre-built websites. PubWriter is a part of the static website generator ecosystem that are quickly becoming favored over drag and drop editors of yesterday.

To date we have over 50 sites and published over 1000 pages.

Group Sessions

This was the most valuable part of the experience! Getting an opportunity to give your elevator pitch to over 50 other founders is amazing experience!

My pitch:

Write locally, publish globally.™ Pubwriter publishes to your site seconds after you click save. No login or uploading required 😀 Automates publishing to your domain so you can focus on your writing!

Year 1

Here are the companies I shared sessions with:

  1. Scholarship Junkies
  2. Starcat
  3. Atlas Alpha Inc.
  4. PubWriter
  5. HackHour
  6. Cratoo
  7. Blackbird School
  8. Vesticam
  9. Foodli
  10. Amplframe
  11. Allot
  12. Aleatoric Technologies
  13. Etc App
  14. Extension Monitor
  15. Blue Terra
  16. Atlas Alpha Inc.
  17. WeAdmit.io
  18. Splits.io
  19. Maa-To
  20. TeamJoy
  21. Givestack - Tyler Morten
  22. Torrent RT
  23. Octotree
  24. Buzzword Labs, Inc.
  25. Little Memory
  26. LubbDubb

Year 2

  1. Boon
  2. CyberHoot
  3. Opterview (no show)
  4. Growthipedia - Masterminds for Real Estate Investors
  5. Mike Tatum - Leads for Realtors (Adwords & Facebook ad campaigns for $500/mo. plus ad cost)
  6. Youth Innovation Lab (http://www.youthinnolab.com/) - Long Island, NY.
  7. Excelleo LLC (https://www.excelleo.com/) - Wael Damra. No code platform. Similar to Sales Force. Small to Mid Sized Business.
  8. omma365.com - Medical MJ - Alibaba for Medical Marijuana - Portal to bring the different entities in the state of OK to be able to do business easily. Also bringing the businesses to the consumer/ medical patients at no cost.
  9. Alridaa - ??
  10. PRORECLAMADOR - Help people and businesses have access to 5 stars legal services without having to worry about initial fees or having to walk into a lawyer`s office.
  11. YummyThreads - Various collections of food-based home goods and apparel. Designs are created using high quality photos or digitally drawn art.
  12. DigsFact LLC
  13. Cyberprivacy
  14. Aflo.io
  15. Hofstadter
  16. Khross - Derek Sawaya
  17. Tripviary - Franco Sanchez
  18. NoPareshan - Aditya Nanagiri
  19. GroWrk Remote - Carlos Escutia - Since Nov. Product Hunt Tonight!
  20. Daybook - Bino Thomas
  21. Chowjoy - Danil Kozyatnikov

Year 3

  1. Mentora - Encontre Mentores
  2. Pitch: Free and Unlimited Podcast Hosting -
  3. Rocket Reply - listen and reply to text messages
  4. Safe Deal - protect yourself from bad deals, scams and poor service.
  5. Train In
  6. Raglan LLC
  7. freehab | Startup School
  8. Canopy Mapping Co. | Startup School
  9. Nicolas de Mauroy - 10 minutes Open Lowcode tutorial - Open Lowcode
  10. Nedko Nedkov - Brandvertisor.com - Marketing & Advertising Agencies Partnership Program
  11. Flash
  12. Foqal
  13. Get In Touch
  14. hotglue
  15. Ziembra - Buy and sell agricultural products wholesale
  16. Maa-To Home


Recommended Tools & sites

Clients can't pay? What if you don't give 'em the leads until they do?

Q. If you were suddenly given $5k for marketing, how would you spend it?

More to watch


Takeaways from year 2

Tools from year 3

It hit me after tonight that these group sessions are kinda like Speed Masterminds (think of speed dating, only for entrepreneurs!) - you never know what you're gonna get! Some groups are awesome, other less so.

One thing I found helpful was to share my linkedin page @ the group session, so we could follow-up with each other afterwards:


Old Elevator Pitch

PubWriter is a synchronous publishing framework (pages are published when saved) static website generator that integrates with Dropbox. Optimized for Markdown, Bootstrap, and JavaScript.

New Elevator Pitch

A effortless web publishing framework for Dropbox.

Write locally, publish globally.™ Pubwriter publishes to your site seconds after you click save. No login or uploading required 😀 Automates publishing to your domain so you can focus on your writing!

Pubwriter is a static website generator that publishes from your Dropbox to your website after you click save. No login or uploading required. Automates publishing to your domain so you can focus on your writing! It's a save-to-publish framework built on a Markdown, Bootstrap & JavaScript toolset within infinite possibilities. Write locally, publish globally.™

My 1 Min. Pitch Video

Each week, we submit a status report and attend a group meeting.

Q & A

The format & the cadence


Have one founder from each startup present themselves and any cofounders in the company. Give a one-sentence description of what you're building. This should be an investor pitch. Introduce yourselves in the following order.

Investor Pitch

After introductions, feel free to ask clarification questions if you didn't understand someone else's investor pitch.

Goals & Obstacles

Go around again in the same order and share what you accomplished last week in relation to your primary metric, your biggest obstacle, and what you hope to accomplish next week.

(in relation to your primary metric)

Try to be concise. Don't just list everything crossed off your todo list. Only share what made a difference. If the primary metric is zero and growth is zero, that's okay.

If you think you can help someone with their biggest obstacle, do share. After everyone finishes, feel free to ask follow up questions and switch to open discussion.

Celebrate your successes!

Last month...

Last week...

What if you measured your progress during SUS?


While I loved the weekly group sessions, It would be spectacular if SUS found a way to assign a successful SUS alumni to sit in on each session and offer their words of wisdom.

End of session podcast

Focus on what matters. Focus on what you've learned at Startup School. Stay connected with the community, use the updates, use the forum, talk to people, most importantly, as you've heard again and again, make something that people want.

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