
When you name a page the same as a subdirectory, the parser gets confused. Not true because it also broke in the dwr index.

This broke the markdown conversion:

Links I commonly refer to clients

(the beauty of Markdown is I can cut & paste this beautifully formatted (with pictures) templates into gmail thanks to the )

Web building toolset

Text Cleanup

Hersam HTML Cleanup


Start Page

The ultimate start page includes links to the sites/tools I use most frequently.

It serves as a important reminder to refocus my attention where it needs to be!

The Toll Taker Analogy

Imagine yourself as a toll taker on a bridge or tollway. If you were the toll taker, where is your focus? On the car at the window. Is your focus on the next car? No. Is your focus on the car that has passed? No. You must give your full attention to the care in front of you. The toll taker never leaves the booth. If there is no car at the window, he waits until the next car arrives.

Concentration works the same way. Whatever the object of your attention is, give it your entire focus. Do not worry about about what is coming later or what has come to pass.

Feeds in AuthorDock

My Project Updates


Links I commonly refer to clients

(the beauty of Markdown is I can cut & paste this beautifully formatted (with pictures) templates into gmail with

Web building toolset

Text Cleanup

Hersam HTML Cleanup