Free from shopping

My revolution is connection, not consumption. ~ Eve Ensler

For 2019, I'm taking on the challenge of a shopping ban. Instead of the word ban (negative), the queue is 'Freedom from...' - This lifestyle will free me from consumerism - it will free up money to put towards my one thing.

It's about establishing control over my choices rather than being drive by impulses.

My last major purchase was a Bose Soundwear - something I'd been watching for months.

To stick to my own rule in 2019, I can't buy anything 'non-essential' unless I sell enough of things I already own to cover 100% of the cost. Alternatively, I can do trades.

One of the things I want to spin up (as part of my 50 ideas things to build in 2019) is a forum to give people like me the ability to trade for what they need. Whether it be a book, clothing, a kitchen item, or whatever.

The Why

Having a strong why and reminding yourself of the why is critical whenever we want to make a significant shift.

I detest those who have too much and life a life of excess affluence. I'm all for earning money, but it's not the amount of money I respect, it's how you spend it. When so many in the world are suffering (our homeless problem has reached crises proportions), how can people abuse money?

Reason 1: My shopping ban is a statement I can make to protest the abuse of money.

Reason 2:

As I begin my journey towards becoming a millionaire by Age 50, I know this will help me stay focused since many of the things I buy (as well as reclaim all the the time spent shopping and seeking out the best deal).

I'm one of those people who torments themselves over getting the best deal. I remember the last big purchase (a car) that I literally felt sick to my stomach over for months afterwards because I failed to negotiate and used a questionable theory to justify the purchase.

I'll spend hours doing research before making even a small purchase on Amazon. By the time I've invested all that time into the decision, I feel driving to make it simply because it's already taken so much of my time and I want an ROI (Return on Investment) for everything I do.

That idea itself is probably justification for an entire chapter into the psychology of consumerism and noticing the pull to buy stuff is the first step in being at the center of my 'experiment.'


The center of experience

Here's a log of the things I want to buy. If I still want them at the end of the year and I don't think there is something I already own that fits the bill, then I'll buy them!

Find a better time tracking app that's free! The payoff of a shopping ban is that it teaches us to become more resourceful.

Further Reading