Content is King!

Building a Content Strategy to Promote Yourself and Your Business.

Consumers have become numb to the barrage of daily marketing. How do you rise above the noise?

Getting found is a matter of having the right content in the right place at the right time. The good news is that it's less these days about driving traffic to your own site and more about being visible where your target audience already exists. It's wise to choose a few platforms to master before you spread yourself too thin, but which ones produce the highest return on investment? Learn to create content that gets the clicks on high traffic sites including: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Medium, Linked In, YouTube, Quora, Flickr, Huffington Post, and more.

Attendees will leave with a toolkit to amplify their marketing efforts. Some of the strategies we'll cover include:

About the Presenter

Brian Schwartz has been a digital publishing consultant since 2009. His clients include bestselling authors and small business owners. He's the current 'Brewmaster' for TechBrew, the longest running local technology meetup on the central coast, and founder of

Real World Examples (takeaways for attendees)

Action Plan & Next Steps
