
The Gutenberg press was invented when 96% of the world was illiterate.

When Uber first started in 2010, it had to break laws to conduct it's service.

When Karl Benz saw the opportunity to build cars in Germany, the infrastructure didn't exist (gas stations, roads, licenses, etc..).

Being prepared for what's coming is within your control. Being ready for what hasn't happened yet is called preparation. It takes faith in oneself to sustain effort despite the rest of the world being ready for it.

PubWriter offers a different approach to publishing to the web. It uses any plain text editor and there's no login required. You simply hit save and within seconds, what you've saved is live on your website. All your content resides on your own computer, conveniently backed up to dropbox. It's yours to do as you wish - not 'jailed' in some complex content management system that is designed to lock you up.