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Read Brian Schwartz's answer to If the lives of a million people could be saved at the expense of your own, would you be willing to make the sacrifice? on Quora

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Jordan Carroll

Great answer:

Exercise: MAKE IT EASY. I moved into an apt building that has a gym and classes (up to 5 a day). I pay to be a member of that gym and I sign up for my weekly classes on Sundays. They charge me if I don’t go so I’m fully accountable from a financial perspective, and I I walk downstairs to get there. That’s too easy to convince myself not to go. Once I’m there, the instructor tells me what to do, so I get a good workout without thinking too much. If you don’t/can’t live in a building like that - set up convenience & accountability for your workouts. Get a home gym, or weights, or sign up for classes near your house. Find someone who will work out with you consistently. Hire a trainer.

Nutrition: AUTOMATE IT. I recently started purchasing pre-made meals each week. A full week delivered right to my door, fully cooked. I no longer spend hours in the grocery store, cooking, or deciding. I’m financially accountable to the meals and convince myself not to eat out. There’s so many good food delivery services and all of them have introductory offers. If you enjoy cooking you can also order a service that sends you the ingredients. Then, you’ve at least cut out the decisions and the grocery store. You’re probably spending a more money when you go to the store buying items impulsively and eating out. Accountability: GO PUBLIC. I discuss my goals and habits publicly (like this forum), and with friends and family, because it gives me external accountability. I’ll feel bad if I don’t stay true, and integrity is important. Telling people in your life that will hold you accountable to what you say can help you stay motivated to maintain habits.

Health and wellness is the foundation for everything you do in your life. If you don’t feel good, nothing will work right. Making habits convenient and staying accountable to them are key. Automate as many decisions as you can, that’s how habits stick. Read Small Move, Big Change or Better Than Before for more info.

Also, be NICE to YOURSELF. Habits are hard. It’s ok if you slip up. Bad days=good data. Understand where the chink in the armor is and don’t let the same mistake happen tomorrow. One day at a time!