
Dear Creator,

Have you thought about starting a Patreon page? You definitely should!

Patreon provides a free framework to earn income from monthly subscribers.

If you use this link to sign up and launch your Patreon page, I'll provide additional resources to help you grow your subscribers.

PubWriter is the ideal platform to publish your work to your supporters via secret URLs.

PubWriter on Patreon

Grab your own before somebody else does!

Tips & Tutorials


Musicians (& music teachers)


I am working on a Patreon page for Pubwriter.


PubWriter is a Patreon enabled content web canvas where YOU are the creator of your own page. On your own domain, you'll get a unique site do however you desire. There are few limits to what you can do with this technology, and I'll provide guidance to get you as close as I can to the result you want. PubWriter is the first true effortless publishing solution. By effortless, I'm referring to the fact that there's nothing more to publishing your work than hitting the save button. You work locally, and when you save, your changes are synced to your site within 60 seconds. Publishing changes is as easy as opening up your document, making the changes, and hitting save. ​ If you work with an editor, you can share a dropbox so he/she can collaborate on the final work. Your pages are hidden until you choose to share them. The workflow I'll recommend includes Twitter which allows you to integrate with the vast majority of social media sites to get your work discovered! ​ All you need is a free Dropbox account and a plain text editor (most are free). The formatting is handled via Markdown, a lightweight semantic language you can quickly learn. There are no hosting fees and since it's all maintained through dropbox, you'll always have a full backup of your site. In addition to Markdown, PubWriter runs on Bootstrap, the most widely adopted, secure, robust, and fastest mobile friendly technology available.

The only thing you'll need is a domain, but in my opinion, everyone should own their own domain. ​ I'm excited to have you join the PubWriter community and see what amazing ideas you put out into the world.

Patreon success stories

Watching the growth of a new patreon publisher. Paul Johnson started his pateron page at the beginning of 2020. After 4 months, he was already generating nearly $5k/month. Note: He did have over 140k subscribers on YouTube when he started his patreon page!

Scott Paul Johnson - YouTube - In a very short period of time (4 months I believe), Scott was generating nearly $5k/month through 387 subscribers each paying $11.67/month.

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