
You are a node in a network!

Defined as: a point at which lines or pathways intersect or branch; a central or connecting point. CS a point at which a curve intersects itself. a piece of equipment, such as a PC or peripheral, attached to a network.

A game within a game. A program within a program

The program you need is an antidote for depression:

Look around for something that bothers you, and work to fix it.

The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives

Each program takes careful thought and takes several hours to complete.

Thinking prepares you to perceive properly and act intelligently. If your perceptions are skewed, your actions will not be based on logic.

7 Epochs

Can you come up with 4 significant events in each epoch?

Personality faults and virtues.

Describe the future you want to create AND the future want to avoid!

A deliberate IQ. We develop strength in the things we do repeatedly. Where are the needs in the future? Where can you maximize your time and get the best ROI? What skills will be needed in the future you can begin to develop now?

The truth: You are as much of an expert on a topic as most others. You are likely working in a field that wasn't around 30, 20, or even 10 years ago. What makes you an expert is that you know more than the other person. Write a book on the topic, and it further defines you as the go to expert.

Don't just choose something relevant to your company, choose something relevant to your industry and go deep.

Deep dives