
How our physiology precedes thought.

It's not your thoughts, but your actions that matter.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Our culture gets so bombarded by media, that we are brainwashed into believing that words do matter.

It's not what you say, it's what you do.

An impactful chapter from Stealing Fire explains how our minds are impacted by our body and how precognition works. The idea is that we can use biometrics (movements, facial expressions, and voice inflection) in our present moment to pre-program (impact our preconscious) and influence the thoughts and feelings that follow. This is big!

The authors expand on an idea of our minds being a UI (User Interface) in an operating system. You are the operating system, your mind is the UI. Like the dock on your mac or the start menu on our PC: You can choose which program to install, uninstall, and run. Programs may require upgrades, or you may find they fulfill your needs as is. We run the program suitable for the task at hand. There might be one labeled 'Your daily agenda.' Imagine a button labeled 'Antidepressant.' It would be integrated with your daily agenda program scheduling time for antidepressant work, such as sunshine therapy, mediation, walking, social time, or yoga.


