
I am interested ways to improve my cognitive functioning. The first indication I had that it was even possible to improve my mind was following a week following a strict keto diet. Another strategy I'm looking into now is THC Microdosing.

This page is to capture my notes and share my personal experience.

I picked up a 1 oz. bottle of 'Mood Magic' from 805 Beach Breaks for $19.

Last night at 6pm, I tried between .25-.5 ML which should have been less than 4 mg THC. by 7:30pm I felt the onset of the effects. I didn't feel stoned, but I definitely didn't feel good enough to drive either. It also disrupted my sleep. My mood probably was improved slightly, given my normal state after 9pm is usually less than pleasant. I'll monitor my mood more closely next time.

I vaguely recall looking over at the alarm clock and thinking it had been about 5-6 hours before the effects wore off - which for me was around midnight.

10/22 - 7:30am - I took a very small (less than 2mg) dose. I do feel a sense of anxiety in the morning, especially on Monday mornings as I can get overwhelmed with the long task list for my week ahead (while still catching up from tasks from last week).

Tonight I may try a smaller dose (2 mg) and given I'm teaching two classes, I think it will be a good way to wind down.

The first question I am asking is WHEN is the best time to actually take the dose for optimal sleep?

Another other area I am curious about is how the THC impacts my meditation and yoga. Again, the question arises of timing on when to ingest THC for the optimal experience.

In one article I read, it seems the strategy is to stay a near constant state of THC enhancement throughout your waking hours.

PS: Although it's talked a lot about, I don't see LSD microdosing as an option yet, given I have no idea on where you'd actually get LSD in a safe manner (I do wonder if it is available by prescription?).

Bibliography / Further Reading



