
180 posts in 180 days?

I'm inspired by Jennifer Dwalt's amazing 180 websites in 180 days project.

A Medium Template

It's better to get it published quickly than to delay for something perfect. Time is of the essence! Tie every call to action to a post a page on your own PubWriter site.

Can you create a template that allows you to crank out valuable insights in a timely manner?

Consider this outline:

  1. State the bias

This is your default mode. It's what you currently believe. It's where you are currently STUCK.

Example: I need more money so I can pay my bills.

  1. State reality - an unbiased truly objective view of the situation.

Example: They bills are more than I can pay under my current system

  1. Suggest 'reprogramming' strategies

What you need to do to get where you need to be. Can you take on more work? Does the work you take on pay you enough? Maybe you need prioritize reaching out to x former clients a day. If os, does your schedule include sorting through past clients, sending emails, making calls and explore possible opportunities?

Option: Can you sell some stuff to bring in some extra income? Yes - I have plenty to sell.

Are you willing to do the hard work of delaying immediate gratification to focius on your 10k sprint? What non-essential work are you doing that takes time away from your sprint?

You are the interface to every experience. When you step out of the four walls of your home address, your IP address changes. The 'search results' which show up as thoughts will be based on the circumstances at the time you conduct your inquiry.

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People over process : the agile principle for impactful innovation

Further Reading