Matt Grey

How I Went From -$15k to $8.7 Million

Matt went from being broke, in debt, and suicidal to building companies making $8.7 million per year.

Matt attributes his success to 4 mindset shifts:

  1. Realizing he needed to build and own things, not just acquire skills and work for others.
  2. Taking control of his time while working a corporate job to invest in coding skills and self-education.
  3. Reaching out and connecting with thousands of people, increasing his "surface area" for opportunities.
  4. Taking care of his health through better sleep, diet, exercise and journaling to get clarity on life purpose.

Matt went from being broke and suicidal to building multiple million dollar businesses. He outlines 4 key mindset shifts that enabled his transformation:

  1. Realizing while traveling that he wanted the freedom to control his work and life.
  2. Learning that acquiring skills is not enough - you need to build and own things to get rich.
  3. Reaching out to thousands of people for advice and connections which led to new opportunities.
  4. Focusing on his health and self-care which improved his focus and opened up new possibilities.

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Here are the apps he recommends for automating content creation, email sequences, lead generation, and sales funnels. The goal is to systemize and automate recurring tasks so you can focus your time on high-level strategic work.

DEA: Delegate, Eliminate, or Automate

The key is to be ruthless in protecting your "zone of genius" - unique skills that create the most value. Eliminate, delegate or automate everything else. Turn on your DO NOT DISTURB! You know that it takes at least 15 mins to get into flow. When an interruption takes you out of flow, it takes you 15 mins to back into it - assuming you are not now following up on what the interruption was about (which is often the case for me). Train your clients to use your scheduler! Calendly is free, and google also has one they rarely mention.

Note sure if you're doing this? Track your task work for 6-8 weeks and identify where each falls. This idea is also expanded on in the book Winning The Week.

If the task falls outside of your 'Zone of Genius,' process them via: elimination, delegation, or automation:

Pro Tip: Check out AppSumo for an every expanding list of time-saving software solutions.

Here's a shortlist of the tools Matt uses for his business:

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