Linked In / Lydia

Please tell us about any prior video training, books, publications, blogs, or websites you've contributed to.

I have been teaching on the topic of self publishing, book marketing, and content monetization since 2009. I speak at writers conferences around the country and currently teach a publishing workshop at Cal Poly State University (San Luis Obispo).

Please tell us about the course you'd like to teach.

I noticed the ebook publishing course you have available is from 2015. I can tell you that there has been a tremendous amount of change in the field in the last 3 years. Also, I'd like to expand it beyond just eBooks to include print-on-demand and marketing.

Who will most benefit from your course? Are there secondary audiences who would also get value from the course?

Anyone who is looking to publish for themselves or their business. Authoring a book on the topic(s) you are an expert in is vital in today's 'everyone's an expert' era.

If you have a sample movie of 3-5 minutes that illustrates your teaching style, please post it to YouTube or Vimeo and provide a link to it here.

What topics are you covering? What's the approach? What will the viewer know and/or be able to accomplish after watching your movie?

I cover everything an author needs to know before they self-publish. The most important concepts every author should know knew before they publish. Since 2009, I have helped over 500 authors avoid costly mistakes. It is modeled around the curriculum I have been teaching at Cal Poly since 2015 and contains 12 modules. Even if an author is seeking to get traditionally published, having knowledge of the publishing process will be to their advantage.

12 modules

  1. Editing Phase (tips, tricks, and resources)
  2. Interior Formatting (for Kindle & print-on-demand)
  3. Cover design tips, tricks, and resources
  4. Marketplace Setup and Optimization
  5. Advance Reader Campaigns
  6. Building an Author Website
  7. Create & grow online profiles & presence (social media)
  8. Agent queries
  9. Getting book reviews
  10. Becoming an Amazon bestseller
  11. Amazon Optimization
  12. Book Marketing (strategic planning)

The framework is modeled around the same process traditional publishers follow when publishing a new title.

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