Lucid Living

Why aim to lucid dream when you can discover how to lucid live?

We were in a dream before we were ever born. Our preconscious occurred in the womb. Who we are is a preconscious of our parents.

Who's to say we are not in the womb right now, still dreaming?

I often dream of missing deadlines. A big recurring dream for me was showing up so late for a race that I missed the start.

Ready Player One

Take the virtual experience outside the video game into our real life: Design Your Own Adventure.

I had the most amazing dream on the morning of Aug 2, 2021. It was more lucid than any dream I could ever recall. I knew I was a dream and I knew that everyone else was also in their dream. As long as you were not hurting another, you could do anything you wanted and not be judged or critiqued for your actions. Everyone else in the dream was doing exactly what they wanted and had the joy, contentment, and satisfaction of living 'fully open.' While I was voluntarily leaving the dream (there was a line at the exit), I spoke with others who were entering the dream world I was leaving. I remember them asking me how it was (just like when you are departing from a ride an amusement park). I told them it was awesome and that I was going to return as soon I could.

As with the best dreams, I was able to drop back into the dream after I awoke. In fact, for the next 30 mins, I found myself still in the dream despite the fact I was up and beginning my day.

It was a little like Ready Player One. Everyone was in the dream world voluntarily. I met a women who was paralyzed in real life, but you couldn't tell in the dream world. There were 'guides' who took as around to experience this 'other world' - it was the realization of Design Your Own Adventure!
There was peace. You could do anything you wanted and go anywhere you wanted. I recall that everyone was so happy.
And then at the end, we returned to a store where we embarked back to the real world. And it felt like the lobby when the audience as leaving, everyone was talking about how amazing it was - and many were with the people they had met during our journey. There was a line of people going in, asking us how it was. That part felt like a ride a Disney.

Dream entry

The thing about a dream is you don't know when you enter a dream. It's not until the dream ends that you know it was a dream. So who's to say this is not a dream?

If your body is motion for the spirit, and your mind is the creator of your spirit.

In a dream, you create your world and perceive it simultaneously. How is life any different?

The difference is memories. Self-talk.

Movies are dreams to be shared.
Performances and dreams we share.

Events are dreams we share.

Dreams are rehearsal for life. Deadlines will drive dreams to rehearse what needs to be practiced for the performance of the event.

You can enter lucid dreams by meditating until you fall asleep. You will be aware as you enter a sleep state, and aware when when you enter the dream state. Life is a dream when you meditate! After meditation, you awaken into the dream.

Meditation allows you to awaken into the dream.
Yoga dream state.
Burning man and LIAB are shared dreams.
You enter lucid living the same as you enter lucid dreaming - you make a proclamation. That which you declare to be true, becomes real.

Life is a share dream with others.
We all exist as part of a the creative process in a dream called life.

Writing is a form of lucid dreaming. We spend time in our head, but we must move into action.

A dream is real while it lasts, can we say more of life? - H. Havelock Ellis