Life without limits

Life is an endless manifestation of possibilities. Through action, we discover that that limitation is the result of our own limited imagination and not fixed in reality. anything becomes possible. Infinite Possibilities collapse at the point of decision.

‘Reality’ has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with the filters of belief, concept and thought.

Reflect on a moment on your birth. Actually, on the moments before your birth. You were a being in your mothers womb. You had no language, and thus you had no concepts to grasp with a language that did not yet exist. There were no rules, no metrics, no limits on who you were as a being.

Then you were thrust into the world. A world with other beings. A world that had a preexisting language, preexisting rules, and concepts to explain how it all worked.

We are limitless until the point we define limits. Limits cannot exists without measurement.

Remove metrics, and you become limitless.

Metrics can become a master or slave.

What could you do if there where no limits on time or money? If time or money as concepts did not exist, wouldn't you be limitless in regards to both of those concepts?

As it is realised that the idea of who we are is infinitely less fixed, reliable, useful or true than believed to be, life hangs out more and more as it is: presence, unconditional love, joy, freedom. And this means there is no longer that desperate need to secure the self, to defend and protect it, to project it into the future and to cling on to the mirage of the past.

“Living by the standards we set ourselves creates a positive image of our own lives. What we then achieve we are entitled to keep, and deep down truly deserve.”

Define your own set of standards, not those set my others. This is why your true self is your best, and only true role model.

We get what we feel worthy to deserve. Or rather, our own self-concept defines who we believe ourselves to be, and our belief becomes our reality.

“Winners, having decided what they want, have faith that the conditions they need to win will occur, or that they will ‘make their own luck’ and change the conditions they need to ensure that they win.”

"A failure experience shows you one way that the objective you had in mind couldn’t be accomplished, that’s all."

Isn't failure itself just a concept rooted in other people's concepts?

After all, when you first fell down, your parents most likely celebrated your falling down. For falling down signified you tried to walk, and for a moment, the attempt at something never done before was seen as success.

When you measure yourself by your own standards, only you get to decide what's a failure and what's not.

"When you define yourself, you confine yourself." - Prince Ea

Remove the limits and you become limitless.

The only way to use limits is to define where you've been, not where your going.

Use metrics to define where you are starting from, not where your going. For example, I now weigh 164.5 lbs.. I know it's too high. The outcome I seek is a healthy weight. But rather than impose a man made metric of time or target weight, I am simply living by the belief that 'I choose foods that are both good for me and tasty. Foods that do not add to my health are no longer part of my diet. My higher self knows better... It knows that foods that are good for my body are also the tastiest foods. It knows that foods that overwhelm the senses tend to be bad for me, and it's my awareness that makes the difference. No more mindless eating, no more path of least resistance eating. I will choose foods that take time to prepare, foods for the earth, and fuel that feeds my soul, not my gut.'

Consider the two biggest limitations we impose on ourselves are time and money. Those, along with all other measurements are in fact man-made metrics.

To transcend self-imposed limits we must be willing to go beyond the concept of limits.

How long should it take? How much will it cost? When will you stop?

Notice how limits don't exist in the present, but rather past and future? Thus, by that definition, limits are not real, they are only ideas and concepts.

If limits are not real, then why do we give them so much control over what we do?

The movie 'The Pursuit of Freedom' reveals that by getting into the flow, disregarding what has happened in the past, and letting go of what might happen in the future, new levels are obtained. When we achieve a new level, a new limit is defined. It's often those who break through past limits that we celebrate most.

Consider someone like George Strait. He has had sixty #1 hits (the most for any artist in any genre). Do you think George set the goal? No, he just does what he loves to do, what he does bets, and pays little regard to what has been done before.

Read his bio on Wikipedia. You will discover that he had actually decided to give up on country music after many early failed attempts. It was his wife who convinced him to stick with it.

More often than not, others can see the potential that we ourselves cannot. How can it be that others know us better than we know ourselves?

Why measure yourself on the achievements of others? When you do, you limit yourself, set yourself up for disappointment, and ultimately let the world define you.

Define yourself by becoming undefinable.

I have the greatest respect for those who do what they do despite society saying otherwise. Someone close to me has made a conscious choice to never tip. Despite the guilt that society puts on us to tip, she fails to succumb. She is a rebel of sorts, and I have the highest respect for her strength in her own resolve, which is based on a set of beliefs as justifiable as those society has come up with to tip. And she's picked something that society doesn't have a rule for.

Laws exist that require us to comply with things like paying taxes, paying our bills, and likewise. But tipping is optional, and be definition, you have the option to opt out!

New levels are obtained when we disregard the limits imposed in a past or future concept. But rather, when we get into the flow of what ever the activity is, when we become the activity itself, we transcend the concepts that limit us.

Dive Deeper

Get present. In the present moment, there are no limitations. The limitations we create in minds are usually tied to the past or future. * Eckert Tolle on Perceived Limitations