
Lifeday is the cumulative number of days I have lived. It's here to remind me that my time is limited. It's what defines startup programs when I bootup my computer.

It's about running the programs that produce the results my user requires. What are some of the key programs I run?

Countdown to 5-5-20

Each Monday morning, I set a countdown time to Friday at Noon - when my work week officially ends. As I create more RIGs, I will be able to quit earlier, ultimately being able to work 4-day workweeks by the end of the year.

Each 100 hours, I set a countdown to make the most of those 100 hours:

Then I head over to TickCounter and create a 100 hour countown clock

PS: If you prefer a different start day, use the Hours from Now calculator to determine the day and time 100 hours from now. 100 hours is about 4 days.

Next, I determine how to make the most of the next 100 hours in my Rhythm Register.

How many 100 hour blocks remain in my life?

Instead of measuring the results of a single day, I look at what I set out to do over 4 days.

This allows me to deal with what would otherwise be overwhelming.

Prioritizing what is more vital to move me forward.