Embed a Kindle Preview on your PubWriter site

Why I prefer Kindle books

  1. I can enlarge the font and avoid the need for reading glasses.
  2. I can view the most popular highlights in a book
  3. I can take notes along side the book
  4. I can access online content in one click (if I'm using the kindle reader on a phone, tablet, pc, or mac).
  5. It keeps a bookmark of where I left off.
  6. I know I always have the updated edition
  7. I can embed the preview on my own website:

Here's what the result should look like:

Here's the code:

<iframe style="width:100%;height:800px;border:none;" src="//kindleweb.s3.amazonaws.com/app/;assoctag=paycart-20"></iframe>

To embed this for any book, just update the ASIN # (unique for every Kindle book) which appears in the snippet above after the asin=:


Then paste the remaining:


PS: Did you know Amazon has a trade-in program?

Available Worldwide

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~ Brian