
"Happiness is not something that can be found, acquired or caused. It can only be uncovered, revealed and recognized." ~ Rupert Spira

I'm toying with a simpler definition for happiness. It stems from a dive into the philosophy of Yin & Yang.

If you are not happy 24/7, than redefine what happiness means. You can do this with pretty much anything: We inject the meaning into the words we use to define our experience in life. Wealth, Health, Success, and Happiness - they are all subjective.

Happiness is [ ].

It’s the pursuit of happiness is the precise reason that is happiness eludes us!

Stop asking the question; am I happy? The more you do , the less you will be. Instead ask:

What activities bring me joy?

If you are not doing them… then how can you restructure your life so you can?

Can you reframe activities you're doing now to inject more joy into them? What if you stopped looking for joy altogether and just got lost in the activity itself?

How can I engage with the world in a way that puts me in my ‘happy place?’

Am I creating circumstances that allow me to spend more time on the things that have more meaning to me?

What’s the objective?

How am I contributing?

Who can I help?

Once I stopped trying to be happy, I realized I already was.

I let go of trying to be something I wasn’t and discovered who I was was flawed to perfection.

The tired I always felt was from the weight of trying to be something I wasn't. Now I find more energy in life itself.

The goal is not to be happy, the goal is to discover contentment in every moment.

Just be who you are and try not to become less of who you’ve been. The more I try to fight who I am, the harder it is to be me.

Indeed, the degree of suffering is subjective and will be in the eye of the beholder. You may be suffering in some areas of your life, while thriving in other areas. In fact, it's pretty safe to say everyone is inflicted by this paradox.

Outward appearance can be deceiving. From the outside, everything is fine. But what actually exists can tell a different story.

The world in general is suffering to an extent (I sense suffering collectively is increasing). And if you believe we are all one and we are all connected, then to some extent, we are all suffering.

Impermanence explains how nothing is ever idle. We are either moving towards suffering or towards happiness.

The Key to happiness?

If you accept that happiness is the absence of suffering, then the key to happiness is avoid suffering. At this moment, are you suffering? Is what you are doing moving you further from suffering or further from joy?

You're reading right now. Is reading cause suffering? If not, then I could argue reading brings you joy. Even if you are suffering some extent (maybe your back hurts, your a bit depressed, or can shake a funk), there's an aspect of this moment free from suffering. Focus on that.

What brings you joy is a moving target, but what brings you suffering is static. You can't hit a moving target, so there's no point focusing on what bring you joy because it's ever changing. Instead, notice the persistent source of suffering in your life and do whatever you can to avoid it.

Is your attention on avoiding the things that make you suffer or on the things that bring you joy. Where you attention goes is where your energy flows.

Let's apply this right now by making a list of all the things that cause suffering in YOUR life. Here's my list:

The next obvious thing might be to make a list of things that bring me joy, right?

But what if instead of placing conditions on our happiness, we were happy unconditionally?

My belief is that this is the secret to happiness. Our closest friends who are the definition of happiness have always been happy and are happy no matter where they are or what they are doing. It wasn't that it success came to them and then they became happy. It was that they were happy and as a result success came. Three of the happiest people who immediately spring to mind are Becky, Jessica & Pam.

Don't envy happiness (or success). If you resent others because they are happy and you are not, you are focusing on what others got. Focus on what you got.

Gratitude for what we have is the seed of happiness.

Every hour, jot down something you are grateful for.

Note: I started an Unschedule project.

We may find what makes us happy is not in alignment with reality. You might tell me Netflix makes you happy and sitting in front of the TV engaged in a good TV show does it. But too much time in front of the TV comes at a cost.

A key to happiness is also a key to a long life.

I met a 99 year old woman at a bingo fundrasier. She truly looked as vibrant as someone in their 60s or 70s. I asked her the secret was. She told me it was 'To always be trying new things.' Stay curious!

Doing new things is also a good technique to inject more happiness into your life.

Here are 10 new things you can try today:

  1. Go somewhere you've never gone before (take a new route to your next destination).
  2. Do something you've never done before (learn a new skill).
  3. Watch the sunrise or sunset from somewhere new.
  4. Perform a random act of kindness for a complete stranger. It doesn't have to be monetary - find someone in need.
  5. Strike up a conversation with a stranger.
  6. Cook a new recipe or visit a new restaurant and order something you've never had before.
  7. Try a new activity/workout: Move your body in new ways. You don't know what you might enjoy until you try.
  8. Meditate: If you've never tried meditation before, give it a go. It can help you relax, reduce stress, and gain mental clarity.
  9. Visit a new place: Explore a nearby town or attraction you've never been to. It could be a museum, park, or any place of interest you haven't visited yet.
  10. Read a new genre: If you're a fan of a particular genre, pick up a book from a completely different genre and give it a read. You might discover a new favorite author or style.

Here are two more...

  1. Attend a local event: Check out local listings for events happening in your area. It could be a live music performance, art exhibition, or a community gathering.

  2. Try a new hobby: Experiment with a new hobby that interests you, like gardening, photography, writing, or crafting.

Note: One of the secrets to staying physically fit and vibrant is discovering exercise you enjoy. You can't discover what you enjoy if you're not giving different workouts a try. Give any new activity an extended trial. Initially, it may not be enjoyable because you aren't yet good at it. But over time, you'll develop muscle memory and have more confidence in your abilities. It's what I've found to be one of the keys to finding an activity you enjoy.

Remember, trying new things doesn't have to be grand or expensive; even small changes can bring a sense of novelty and joy to your life. Enjoy the process of exploring and discovering new experiences.


The study of happiness...

How do you define happy? Joy?

I find that happiness is fleeting. It often come unexpectedly, like when I'm on a particular roll in some research.

I do find that being around certain people tend to make me happy.

My happy is doing more of what I enjoy, and less of what I don't. It's being with people I love. It's being acknowledged for my work. It's finding peace.

I'm happiest when I'm:

The Happiness Curve: Why life gets better after 50 (Jonathan Rauch)

"Social Status is a Treadmill"

Regret Function

Life satisfaction depends on circumstances right now minus the regret you feel of the cumulative sum of missed chances in your past.

The gratitude curve

Be Happy

Tap into the collective wisdom of quora

  1. Becoming happier means: Starting small, Making progress, Being proactive
  2. Plan a vacation to rejuvenate yourself.
  3. Exercise and sleep: people who exercised felt better about their bodies, even when they saw no physical changes:
  4. Stop comparing yourself to other people
  5. Get in touch with your anchors.
  6. Meditate - Rewire your brain for happiness.
  7. Try to live in the present.
  8. Find something you love, and find people as interested in it as you are. Do what you are passionate of and love what you are doing.
  9. Buy experiences instead of things.
  10. Find a hobby, or even better, a job, where you experience flow.
  11. Visualize having a good day.

You can't think your way into happiness. But thinking itself, as an activity, can be a path happiness.

Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

Thirty True Things You Need to Know Now - by Gordon Livingston

The book covers a wide range of ideas related to happiness, relationships, parenting, illness, anxiety, and more. Some of the overarching themes and main takeaways include:

In summary, the keys to happiness include choice/mindset, responsibility, forgiveness, optimism, laughter, letting go of control, and living presently.

Further Reading/Watching