
“There are two kinds of guilt: the kind that drowns you until you’re useless, and the kind that fires your soul to purpose.” ― Sabaa Tahir

Guilt is a wasted emotion.

Guilt weighs heavy.

I don't like the feeling and attempt to numb it by escaping.

I feel guilty for not doing what I know needs to be done.

The curse of privilege is guilt.

The older I get, the closer I approach 'end of life,' the sicker I feel. When I awake, the guilt is heavy. I find it hard to live we myself. For all the miss opportunities, all the times I disappointed others.

Guilt is a form of self betrayal.

“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.” ― Voltaire

Only I can make myself feel guilty.

Taking action is the only remedy for guilt.

We feel guilty when we fail to meet obligations.

The inability to say no to that which you have no intention in doing becomes a seed for guilt later.

Setting high expectations can cause also cause guilt, when we fail to reach them.

But high expectations is subjective. Ultimately, you set the standards for your own life, no one else can. Are you attempting to hold others to your standards? How's that working for you?

It's why even the highly successful individuals can feel guilty.

If the only time we exchange words is at our birthdays, we're not really friends. Your just somebody that you used to know.

When guilt is stirs us into action, it's no longer guilt - it's the beginning of new self knowledge. Knowledge about ourselves and what we can do to improve our programs.

Good guilt or bad guilt?

Harmful guilt is when we convict ourselves and throw away the key. Rather than disengage, step up and rise against the resistance.

Where does your guilt coming from?


I'm guilty for what I just ate. You can be guilty, you can only feel guilty. I feel guilty that I haven't invested more wisely. I feel guilty for not following through, not following up, not [fill in the blank].

I feel guilty for feeling so guilty.

Guilt is an error in the program. It's an indicator that either we're not running the right programs, or we're trying to run the wrong programs for us. The conscious is defined by the programmer. Your parents, friends, and society as a whole has an effect on your programs conscious.

When we see someone do something selfless, we can help but be a bit touched by humanity. When we see someone do something selfish, we can't help but feel sad for humanity. Do our faults outweigh our strengths? The media is much quicker to scold us for our faults than honor us for our gifts.

I don't feel guilty for failing, I feel guilty for not creating a process that would have prevented the miss in the first place!

Caution: Saying yes to more than you can handle will be followed by guilt when you let them down. Work this into your 'no' answer.

Here's the truth:

It's not you - it's the process (or lack of).

Getting away with it

When we fail to hold people accountable for their actions, we reinforce the behavior. When you get away with it, you have no incentive to do otherwise. In fact, you may see how much more you can get away with and turn it into a game.

Most people have a conscious, but some don't.

If you are in a position to hold someone accountable, do you? Or do you avoid the conflict while you let them get away with it?

Many of us would rather avoid the conflict and gossip and accuse instead. We don't have the gall to mention it in the moment because we might be wrong, we might be criticized, we might be accused.

We talk about people and what they did in the safety of our thoughts and when we confide in friends. God forbid we ever tell them in their face.

The internet has given bold people the ability to say something with the liklihood what they say will get back to the person they've said it about. It's like a guerilla warfare. Rather than fight in the field, they hide behind a false online persona.

When we build ourselves up online to be something we're not online, we might just start to believe it. But the more you identify with that online persona, the more your ego gets in the way of your authenticity.

While it may not be until after we've done something wrong that our conscious finally kicks in, the damage is already done. You can attempt to undo, but it's too late.

What it does is reveal the flaw in our humanity. Little actions compounded over time, good or bad, can and will have a major impact.

We do something we later regret. Acknowledge it and accept the punishment. You are 100% responsible for your actions. It's really all you need to know. Everything that happens as a result is of your own doing. Whether you label it as good or bad is up to you.

Bad people simply fail to see magnitude of bad in their ways, or have justified it in their mind. They did it to me, so it justifies me doing it to you. But good people do bad things too. In the eyes of one person, what is a justifiable action can be viewed as a crime by another.

Today I did something rather innocent that I regret doing. I know my conscious is making a mountain out of a mole hill.

The only thing insignificant is in seeing the insignificance of every action.

I realized the longer I waited, the less of an impact my 'undoing' of what I had done would matter. In fact, undo it quickly enough and nobody will notice. But I did, and in the end, the only harm I caused was to myself.

I was spawned to act because perhaps deep down, I felt the weight of bad karma hanging over my head. I began to feel as if I deserved something bad to happen to me as a result of what I had done. I had a heavy weight of guilt despite the magnitude of the act.

I wonder if that 'bad karma is coming to me' mindset in fact attracts bad karma to us?

I would rather live without it than live with it and the guilt that comes with it.

I suspect we can justify everything that happens to us as either good or bad depending on what we can justify we deserve. We deserve it because of what we did.

In reality, nothing is good or bad. The world owes you nothing. You exist to discover why you exist. You serve to discover how you can best serve.

While you may never be rewarded or penalized as a result of the actions you take, you do get to experience all of it.

The flip side of guilt is compassion and service.


Guilt goes away once the creative succeeds.

If you feel guilty every time you are working on something, you will never get it done.

It's about the work. The work is deferred income. It's essential for your career. It's about the work. You must do the work.

Guilt No More

Don't let guilt control your life for another minute.

To rediscover the omnipresent peace and joy of life, it's essential to shed the unnecessary guilt that too many of us carry.

Guilt and Fear are the two things.

If you let it, guilt can engulf you, casting a dark shadow over every aspect of your life.

And without the right support and a guilt-freeing process in place, the guilt gremlin moves quickly and unrelentingly.

Whether you are feeling intense guilt right now or dealing with a heavy dose of guilt from something you did a long time ago, without the right coping strategies in place, these shadows aren't going to go anywhere.

Guilt no more is a must-read book that helps you nurture resilience through guilt and difficult times, providing you with a practical toolkit to empower to live a guilt-free life.

By learning more about the concept of guilt and working your way through the important stages of moving on and letting go, this book will help you take back control of your life and start your new chapter.

A comprehensive guide is filled with actionable tips, tools, and techniques that will empower you to take charge and break free from the shadows of guilt that have been overshadowing every aspect of your life.

Inside Guilt No More, you will discover:

Don't let guilt control your life for another minute.