
Recognizing all that is good in the world.

I choose to focus on the good so there's no room for the bad. There's plenty of bad in the world. If you give it space, it'll take up residence in your head.

Toxic people, toxic ideas, and toxic thoughts are everywhere.

Where do complaints come from? Often from a sense of entitlement.

Define the good in every moment of every day.

There will be challenges, but challenges allows us to grow. There will be setbacks, but setbacks force us to become more. There will be failures, but failures validate you are stepping outside your comfort zone and taking risks.

You aren't entitled to anything. Don't take it personally, it is what it is.

Ok, you are entitled to your own opinion. But remember your opinion is just as worthless as anyone else's.

What matters in the end is that you try. You define good and strive to meet it.

The best marketing is to show up and perform at your best. A great performance is the result of great practice. Great practice is the result of repetition.