Game Over

Wireframed was inspired in part by Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Wireframed raises the question, if we are living in an OASIS simulation, how would we know until we die?

Pascal's Wager is a concept that Blaise Pascal (a famous 16th century philosopher/mathematician) made. His original idea was in our lives, we wage a bet that God either exists or does not. If heaven does exist, will the way we lived our lives meet the criteria for admittance? It's the question upon which existentialism was born.

My belief is that our lives to a large part carry a wager. We have a set of beliefs, that most likely came from our parents. Assuming we haven't completely abandoned those beliefs, how we exist in the world is a mashup of our DNA, environment, and conditioning.

Take entitlement. We all live in an era of entitlement. Generation Y has been unfairly labeled 'the entitlement generation.' It's a result environmental conditions they were born into. Most Americans passed the point of 'more than enough' long ago.

Movement is the whole point. With analytics, our days can be played like a game. Move the pieces of your day around, like players on a field, and see the consequences of your decisions.