Fresh Start

47.8.14. That's how may days I've been on this planet. 47 years, 8 months, and 14 days.

Or 17,424 days.

If you were to to reboot today, how many days would you get until your time expired?

Press Start

If you were a computer program and our lives existed within a simulation, could you hit the reset button?

If you did, you'd lose all your experience points. All your inventory. All your possessions.

What are the aspects of growth?

It begins with discomfort. It may feel even feel unbearable. But life won't give us more than we can handle. Do we ever reach an elevation where we can glide?

Is that the promise of retirement?

Rather than waiting for retirement to arrive, today I will find ease in service.

The intent of meditation is to carry the sense of peace beyond the act of sitting in meditation and into our entire experience. This is the promise of 'cosmic consciousness' that the sages mention.

Just Start

A fresh start, at some level, can occur any instant we want. I started this week sugar free. I started this morning with a fresh start to conquer undone tasks. I started this month with a renewed commitment to my business.

Throwing your hat over the fence

Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it."

It's an analogy for putting yourself out there. When you throw your hat over a fence. If you want it back, you have to climb over the fence to get it. The steps you take to retrieve is what must be done to accomplish the goal. There are many ways to climb the fence, and some are faster then others.

The more times you climb over that fence, the easier it becomes. But be careful, when you throw too many hats over the fence, you may have a hard time deciding which one to pick up (or forget completely).

Start at the end

I learned long ago for a hypnotherapist the idea of 'playing it out.' It's what few people ever do. You are attracted to someone. You act on it and find yourself in a relationship which conflicts with another. Did you play out the scenario before you began? Not likely. When you let your emotions and feelings guide your actions, you are living in the moment. You are not considering the ramifications later.

Your wife left a piece of chocolate on the counter. Before you realize it, the chocolate is in your mouth and your back into your sugar addiction.

A fresh end

What's your exit plan?

Maybe you don't have one. Maybe you'll figure it out as you go.

The back story

What's a backstory? It's a narrative - a fictional storyline based on reality, but how true is it?

Instead of a back story, consider a front story. Ask the question:

What do I want from today?

What missteps will occur today?

The day is unknown. Anything is possible. Are you ready for anything?

A plan is based on an desired outcome. Creating a plan for the day is define by outcomes determined by who?

Who is determining the outcomes?

We have to consider where we are in relation to where we want to go.

A recipe for frustration?

Not taking into consideration where you start, the unforeseen obstacles ahead, and the impact of forces outside your control. Do you get upset when things don't go your way? If you always get upset when things don't get your way, learn the art of compromise. There's a trade off for every decision we make. I look for the payoffs. The pay off of not eating sugar is more energy and a slimmer belly. The pay off of investing $100 today is compounded interest tomorrow. They pay off of calling a plumber to fix the sink is a happy wife and more time to work on my business.

It's trash day. Did you put the trash out?

Planning your day: The Milestone Method

Consider your day is a map and your plan is your GPS.

What waypoints are programmed?

The most important moments of my day are 8AM and 2PM. It's in those moments when I look at my blueprint for the day.

Promises not scheduled.

My todo list keeps growing. How do I whack a mole? I block out TIME on my calendar to work on my task list!

Today's Calendar:

Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it.