
F.I.R.E. stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It's a movement focused on aggressive saving, investing, and lifestyle choices to achieve financial independence and retire well before the traditional retirement age. People following F.I.R.E. aim to save a high percentage of their income, often 50% or more, and invest it wisely to reach a point where they can live off their investments. It's a mix of frugality, smart investing, and living intentionally.

How to Retire Early

Stealing Fire (Book notes)

What is Kykeon? Look up Aldous Huxley: The Doors of Perception. Pyschopharmaceuticals

Enlightenment Engineering: Mikey Siegel Company: Consciousness Hacking

Look up: The Rise of Superman Alan Metni iFly Book Flow Hackers We become more flexible and resilent when we train our bodies and brains together. "You don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training."

Look up Flow Dojo..

Begin to do the things you know you ought to! Like going to Lightning in a Bottle. Whale Rock. Where your instinct to go is strong, go. Don't hesitate. this is how you grow and develop. Any obstacles that occur will be used for growth... the growth into the real you.