An ‘epiphany’ refers to a sudden realization or a breakthrough.
I wanted to put 'em all down in one place. I realize that as time passes, some of what I thought were epiphanies at the time turn out to be false observations. Only time will tell if these truths hold true.
The human body is designed for hard work.
What one persons calls a hardship, another calls hard work.
The one who views the task as a hardship will do all he can to avoid it. The one who views it hard work will seek it out. There's satisfaction that follows hard work. Hard work can be the reward in and of itself.
What follows hardship? Mostly exhaustion.
Find a way to turn your hardship into hard work and watch how much easier your life becomes.
Our mind & bodies need a purpose. If you aren't sleeping, I'd suggest you consider the following:
You're not sleepy because you're tired. Your sleepy because you're bored. Going to bed early is a bad idea if you are waking up in the middle of the night. Your inability to sleep may have many contributors... and as we age, our sleep becomes more delicate.
What if the human body was designed for hardship? And the reason I'm not sleeping is because I'm running my engine below their optimal run rate?