
What if the path to enlightenment was emptiness? After all, isn't emptiness infinite?

To begin from nothing is the great reset we can experience with each breath.

I'm letting go of who I am and everything I've experienced. My past is a faint memory. The future is unwritten. All I have is the emptiness of pure awareness in this moment.

The idea of being overwhelmed only exists in the future.

You can't get overwhelmed with nothing. You will always have enough because empty is limitless.

embracing emptiness

Leave everything you are at the door so you receive what is offered. Lose yourself - literally! All your ideas of what you think you know or who you think you are. The more you bring in, the less space you'll have to take what's being offered.

A full cup can’t hold more. You have to dump some out and an empty cup is best. Can you see yourself today as an empty cup? By the end of the day, your cup will be full with new knowledge, new experiences… and you can take those home with you.

The best days are the ones when you learn something new. When you overcome a false belief. Only by staying open - and be open I mean empty - can you truly soak up everything this moment has to offer.