

Despite what the drug companies want you to believe, I proclaim that your disorder isn't necessarily something you need to fix.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with you - everybody has a disorder of one form or another. Even those who think they are free of any disorders... in fact, their's might be the worst of all because failure to see the disorder is likely the cause of their own suffering.

Everyone has a disorder and it's what makes us human beings. I believe we were all born with disorders - it's just the degree to how they integrate with the norms of society.

But from my perspective, there's no need to conform to what you believe society would prefer from you. In fact, what we all ought to do is to begin accepting one another 'as is' - disorders and all.

No program is ever prefect, and perhaps the purpose of life is to reach our full potential despite the disorder we are born with and develop along the way.

Despite the millions of dollars drug companies spend trying to convince us that our disorders need to be somehow fixed, I for one say embrace your crazy!