Leaning into discomfort

Do you have a high tolerance for discomfort?

Doing the thing we're trying to avoid solves the problem of avoidance.

If you're afraid you can't do it, then you have nothing to fear by doing it.

What will you do today outside your comfort zone?

From a space of conscious choice, free will itself is not available to us. What is available is our ability take action that will have an impact on our preconscious.

Will is what are willing to do.

Free will is only a hypothesis of what might be possible if we take the necessary actions to change our preconscious.

What are your up to? (RIGHT NOW)

What MUST be done in the next hour?

I come back to these questions constantly. They help bring me back to a start point. It’s like my reset switch.

In my meditation today I had a glimpse of this:

Who I am is simply the awareness of it all. Everything passes through me that I experience. I am connected to all as an experience of it. Every sense is fully aware when I am in a state of pure awareness. I recognize the gift of life itself is being able to experience all that comes through me. Anything and everything is altered by my perception of it.

Ideas however are only hypothesis until they are tested in reality. I therefore can only expand the limits of what is possible, by pushing myself into discomfort. Or by entrusting others to.

So the most important thing to realize is that what we recognize as the most important thing is what ultimately determines our experience.

What's important is to notice, recognize, and honor is what we determine is important to us. What you do with what you have is all that matters.

Giving a label to that which we can see is helpful. I refer to the unseen as halons. Halons are thoughts, ideas, and stories that only exist as concepts in our minds.

Halons can only be manifested into our physical dimension through action.

The source of action

So what is the source of action?

According to newtons law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, all action is a reaction from a point of origin. Your parents created the big bang of your life. Your birth was literally a reaction of an action of them conceiving you in an act of love. Therefore, love is the source of all action.

When do the reactions cease?

Is any action we take truly unrelated to all other actions?

It's a continual chain from our birth tim our death.

This precludes that your mind (your neurlogy) is a 'reactor.'

It would be that originated at our source. Therefore react first than act, you will find the answer. When uploaded this task for us your neurons were reacting and then indicates you to take actions...

Thoughts are nothing but ways to organize the halons. Our thoughts lead to ideas and those ideas can be manifested in our dimension through action. But it all stems from halons which are the origin of thought.

What you need is a Halon catcher. The vision of the merlin calendar comes back to me with space on each margin for the incoming halons. Then through the effortless task of choosing, we bring the halons we choose into existence by providing them the space and time needed. Or we don’t. That’s the choice we get to make.

I just completed another one of Graham Ellis little books about nothing on Kindle.

Books about nothing. Strange concept isn’t it. And if you look at all his books (the reviews and the ranking and the very fact that I borrowed it), then you’ll realize this guy is actually making money on these little books. What occurred to me as a I was reading his book, and the way in he kept me engaged to keep wanting to read it... is that it felt like a conversation with a friend. I wanted to continue the conversation. I felt as if he was really talking to me.

Perhaps a common thread to the books I enjoy (as well as the books I could write) are that they feel like a conversation. It comes back to my ‘what if’ idea of the author typing each word while the reader reads it.

When reading a book becomes more like reading a text from a friend. Now that is something. When books contain artificial intelligence so I can ask the author questions and the author responds! It’s very doable in a book because a book is specific to a topic. The better an author knows his reader, the better he’ll be able to anticipate his questions. And that perhaps is the key to being able to write in such a way that the reader feels more like they are engaged in a conversation than reading a book. It’s all about how well the author knows his reader. No different than how well a speaker knows his audience or a teacher knows his students. I’m gonna give this a shot. And if you look at the title of Graham’s books, I bet they reflect a phrase you begin a conversation with.


Dear reader & future friend,

I am talking to myself. Writing is good therapy. And you are going to share in this therapy session - thus consider it group therapy.

You and I have a common goal. We both desire the same things in life. And through the magic the eBook medium, we are going to solve this problem and both get what we want.

I’ll strive to be kind in the time we spend together and trust you’ll do the same. Negative thoughts are not good traveling companions. And yes, this is a journey that we’ll be traveling together... so let’s get going!

First off, let’s get clear on one thing: I love you for who you are. You were perfect the day you came into this world, and you’ll be perfect the day you leave this world. The things you do along the way have always reflected the best decision you could have possibly made at the time, we both know that. And while you may look back at your past (which often is the least productive use of your time) to reflect and learn to make better decisions in the future, you know that the only time you have is right here, right now. The past is dead and gone, and the future is just a plan. And because all plans are subject to change, you should do your best to avoid getting attached to a particular future you’ve envisioned.

I will love you unconditionally and ask that you do the same for me. Nothing you say or do could ever change that.

I’ll revisit the concept around unconditionally love throughout this book.

I’m a big fan of books, but really I’m a fan of the authors who write them. Books provide us a glimpse of another life. Another path that may be similar to ours, but different nonetheless. Words are powerful because they change our experience of the moment. This moment. In fact, thing about this moment for a bit;

This moment is the same for everyone. It has never changed, and is the same as every moment that has come before and every moment that will follow. The only difference is our experience of it. It’s what we think, do, or say that changes the moment. It’s our perceptions that define the moment. Take time to grasp this concept with me - moments never change, only our experiences of the moment. It’s 100% within your power to choose whether or not you will allow what others say or do to impact your view of the moment. But again, the moment hasn’t changed, only your view of it. You have the power to make this moment whatever you want it to be. In fact, you can’t make the moment any different, but you can choose to experience this moment differently. Your thoughts are the one thing you will always have control over - even at times when you feel you don’t - it’s typically because you are letting someone or something else consume your attention.

Here’s a helpful exercise. If you are stuck in a bad experience in the moment (I’m hearing the words of the U2 Song ‘Stuck in a moment’) - simply return to your mission statement.

There are a few themes the have been recurring in my life, which is why I believe a lot can be learned by looking at our past. And while I will be a big proponent of living in the now, a view shared by many others, I definitely feel that our present is improved when we take time to have introspect and see the artifacts of our past.

In fact, some of my greatest breakthroughs in personal development can be tied to exercises that involved a realization of something that occurred in my past (which wasn’t clear to me at the time). Time moves quick. The moment is gone by the time we realize it. We become present when we slow time down, and we slow time down by shifting our focus to the present moment.

Pure awareness only occurs in meditation when we are able to drop our attention to thoughts that are not ever in the here and now. Pure awareness occurs when we are able to stop the thinking, when our busy little mind pulls off to the side of the road and lets us simply bask in the sunshine. We can watch cars go by, and some of them will be load cars and motorcycles, but we can enjoy long stretches of peace when it’s silent and there’s nothing but the sound of nature, the sound of life, all around us.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be alive without the noise. To just be. That is the what I believe we all strive to become. We can achieve, experience, and play in this life, all we want. But even after we’ve gotten everything we could possibly ever want, they’ll be that feeling of something more. And the only way to fill that ‘gap’ is to become present, still, and truly present in the moment. Presence is a wonderful drug. Time check. Are we doing ok? Can we visit a little longer? I’m fine if you need to get along to your day. I’ll be here when you are ready to go back. I’ll save you a space in my universe if you promise to come back when you are able to give me 100% of your full attention.


Do I have your attention? Your full undivided attention? If not, maybe you should go handle whatever it is you need to handle. Our write it down to attend to later.

Whoops, if you didn’t write it down, part of you is already thinking about it.

Do me a favor, write it down, but put it aside - truly aside of the time we’ve allocated to spend together.

Take a few deep breaths. Come back to the present moment. Be here now.

I recently finished reading a great book entitled Active Consciousness by Amy Lansky. I’m going to share with you some of the highlights, and my interpretation of her core concepts.

An analogy of our framework for awareness: If our body is the hardware, then our mind is the software that produces outputs that the hardware performs. Our minds tell our hardware what to do. But who writes the software? A coder must know how to write the program, but an architect defines the program. The architect can also be defined as the creator, the entrepreneur, the one who came up with the concept in the first place.

To further her analogy, as a techy myself, here’s an elaboration on one view of the world:

Coders are aliken to those who’ve learned to live skillfully. They know that 1’s and 0’s that are the foundation of the entire program. Learning to become a programmer is like learning to live skillfully. This means learning to live within the constraints of the programing language. It means that we figure out how to translate what we want into a set of instructions that produce the desired outcome.

And while we spend much of our lives learning the programming, we may be sitting waiting for input from our users, from our architect. In fact, we may just be writing code and running little programs to test if our code is correct. Up to this point in our life, that’s all we’ve been doing.

Who are we allowing to be the architect? Is it our parents? our partner?

And is the really a worthy analogy? Consider that the computer is a creation of us, not a creation of the divine that created us. Or is it?

There are many ways to see the world, and I believe we all make sense of the world we live in slightly different ways. I’d say find one that works for you and stick with it. Or stick with it until a better view comes along that you want to adopt.

The computer analogy is one tiny piece of the puzzle. The computer needs power. Power can be generated from the sun.

Pick a view of life that is simple. That doesn’t require you to think. But pick one you can believe in 100% with all of your being. There’s no time for doubt. Doubt makes us hesitate. Doubt makes us unsure. Doubt raises doubt.

Let’s assume Amy is right

For the purposes of moving ahead skillfully, I’m going to ask you to try Amy’s life view for awhile. A few days, a few weeks, a few months, maybe even a few years. Don’t discount it until you’ve given it the time and dedication. The basic premise begins from the analogy of a horse-drawn carriage. You have the horse up front which she uses to identify emotions. You have the driver of the carriage which represents our ego (personality, identity, mind), and you have the passenger sitting in the carriage which represents our higher unconscious self (the observer).



You can’t grasp this knowledge without acting on this knowledge. All the knowledge in the world isn’t going to help you unless it is acted upon. When we test what we’ve learned, we confirm what we’ve learned (or we adjust our knowledge accordingly). When we confirm what we’ve learned, we solidify our beliefs. Our beliefs are the driver behind most our decisions. So in a very significant way, our beliefs really determine the outcome of our lives.

The exercises Amy suggested revolve around building a heightened sense of awareness to the outside world. Doing so turns us into observers. It’s the observer who is the architect. The observer must know that he is not the horse nor his he the driver. But he is the one who tells the driver where to go, who in turn directs (to the best of his ability) the horse where to go! To be empowered as the passenger, we must understand the following:

Entanglements & Halons

This ties to the field of quantum physics which as it continues to evolve, is rewriting everything we thought we knew about the world.

My interpretation goes like this:

There is unified field. That unified field connects everything. Halons represent unseen, invisible atoms. All thought originates from halons. Halons are all around us (but we can’t see them). All ideas are first formed as thoughts, but where do thoughts come from? Halons.

Halons transcend time and space. Halons are entangled and draw energy from the unified field.

“The soul, at least in part, is a set of cellular memories that is carried largely by our hearts...” - Paul Pearsall (The Heart’s Code)

Check out the review of the book at: http://youtu.be/xANQ0n2_kFI

TIP: A book review on youtube can get you traffic!!
