
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that matters.

Turning tasks into appointments.

Fail to show up at the designated time and you are penalized.

When you do arrive at the time, you put aside everything else and give the task your full attention.

It's no different than the hour I give at Yoga. When I walk into the studio, I don't let non-yoga work distract me.

It's like a meditation. When I sit down to meditate, that is my sole focus. It begins my focusing on breath and moves to focusing on a mantra. I do this for 20 minutes despite the urge to do anything else.

When I allocate an hour to writing in the morning (before the frenzy of the day takes hold), I know how important that hour is. I will never get the hour back. In order to move closer to the achievement of a milestone, I must focus that hour on deliberate practice.

The calendar exists to give us the opportunity to make use of each hour. It exists to coordinate with others, a key to getting more done.

The integration of time and money exists with tools like Calendly. Consider this:

If you can earn $100 per hour for the next eight hours, why would spend your time on $20 per hour work?

Where you spend your time impacts the income you earn.

Calendar Whitespace

Is a wide open calendar a good thing? Maybe not.

If someone called you right now and asked "What are working on right now?", would you answer with a HIT (High Impact Task)?

I've heard the term that money is like applause and some people need more applause than others. I prefer to think of it as the more money you earn, the more valuable you are proving yourself to be. Your compensation reflects the quality of the work you deliver. The more people you help, the more applause you'll earn. But no matter how many people you reach, unless it's high quality work, you'll never get a standing ovation (which might be received as a $$$ bonus).

Testing out calendly as a tool to collaborate with partners and get more done.

Befriend Time.

Time is not an enemy, time is a friend. Time is the asset we are freely given that comes along with this life. It's how you use it that determines the results you get. With the passage of time, we gain wisdom and live experiences we reminisce on in the future. It's like revisiting a sweet treat without the calories.

As I look at the ahead, I see options. There are selfish options, and selfless options. I can choose to help myself, or I can choose to help others.

I can choose to offer help & I can choose to ask for help. I can seek ways to collaborate.

As I look at time, I see the calendar as my accounatablibuddy. That is, a friend who will hold me accountable to live up to my potential.

Becoming accountable to our life begins by being accountable to the time we are given. How we use the time is what determines the outcomes we produce, and in as much, determines the life we live and the impact we make.

I have long believed my purpose was to make a positive impact on others. I'm at my best when I'm given the opportunity do my work. Therefore, the overriding priority as I plan my day is to fill it with tasks that end up making a positive impact on others. This might be as small as

By scheduling every hour of every workday, I am able to work with a greater sense of urgency and use time instead of letting time use me. Every hour is an opportunity to for deliberate practice. An opportunity to move closer to mastery in an intentional area of focus. Today, I will make the most of each hour for the deliberate practice of a successful life.

I define my clients as partners and investors.
I define my vendors as partners and investors.

My Calendly page allows me to create fences of focus for each hour of my workday.

Why is Calendly is important?

I'm able to block out time on my calendar for important (but not urgent) projects. Utilizing it as my client scheduling tool prevents clients from booking time already allocated for MIPs (Most Important Projects) or the VIPs.

It is time-based task management.

When the scheduled time arrives, I shift gears, no matter what I'm doing. Since every hour is scheduled, it's a trigger to shift my focus in order to get MIPs completed on time.

Where discipline comes into play is not letting myself work on tasks unrelated to what I've already committed to in Calendly.

Integrating it with AuthorDock

AuthorDock Timelog

AuthorDock allows me to see retrospectively where I'm actually spending my time, as long as I'm logging my time to a specific project.

It works well as the links I put directly to AuthorDock milestones are clickable in Google calendar. This is key for logging the time spent.

Direct Links to schedule important projects/programs (appointments with MIPs):

The Process

Step 1: Pick a project

This is the project/program/persona that I'm meeting with.

The MIPs are the personas being booked

Book w/Ukulele



Step 2: Pick an activity

Direct links to appointment types

(In process)

I'm looking closely at the activities I conduct on a recurring basis.

Yoga Client Call/Meeting Marketing Planning Speaking Product Creation Shopping Accounting Travel Scheduling Social Hour Email Health Check R & D / Opp Mining Self Reflection Writing Formatting/Editing Renewal / Self-care Buffer / Pause

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I am primarily focused on how to use calendly to make my day more intentional. To plan my day and then work my plan. To live by my calendar and use it as my compass for the day. To insure when I plan my day I am taking into account my primary objectives.