
Here are the ones I've come up with:

1) Micro resolution for no sweets

I resolve to wait 30 minutes for having anything sweet. Fruit is ok and usually satisfies my craving !

2) Prioritizing

Identify my first three priorities for tomorrow as my last task for today.

TIP: Use 8UP

3) Staying Focused

To write down BEFORE opening my laptop (or opening a web browser), what exactly it is I set out to do. Stick to the plan and avoid the BSOs)

More notes from Small Move, Big Change by Caroline Arnold

Core Internal Programming (My Mantras):

"I am not helpless & I will figure this out."

This comes up at the end of Chapter 5.

A microresolution is personal: It should fit like a glove. It's simply a prescription you write for yourself. As the doctor and the patient, you write the prescription follow the advice.

Chap 6 - Semantic triggers

Just as Markdown is a semantic editor (where shorthand is essentially used to trigger html snippets) in PubWriter, we too can find cues to tigger more complex behaviors.

Chap 7 - Triggers (Cues)

If you revisit the analogy I laid out in Wireframed, this is relevant.

When we encode an experience, connections between active neurons become stronger, and this specific pattern of brain activity constitutes the engram. Later, as we try to remember the experience, a retrieval cue will induce another pattern of activity in the brain. — Daniel L. Schacter, Searching for Memory: The Brain, the Mind, and the Past

At the end of Chap 7, she touches one what I think is actually a very critical skill to master: Relationship triggers. These are essentially the words that push your buttons and cause you to you snap a habitual response you later regret.

For many people, a coupon is a trigger to buy... so if you run a retail business, use 'em!

Don't be a doormat

If you're a doormat who constantly pleases others at your own expense, there's a habit of saying yes that is keeping you trapped in this cycle. Instead, recognize the trigger BEFORE you say yes and consider consequence on your other commitments (including those to yourself).

Perhaps living by the golden rule 'You'll succeed if you help enough other people get what they want' no longer rings so true. Or at least it needs to refined and updated for the modern era.

Maybe it's worth consider: I'll help you as long as helping you doesn't hurt me.

As I redirect my efforts to a new business, it's the clients who keep me tethered to my old business that are the most toxic right now.

Getting what you want WILL result in you disappointing others. It's something you're gonna have to live with.


The word sorry only reinforces your sense of obligation and sets us up to feel guilty. It confirms to the requester that you are in the wrong for not meeting their request.

The 'business' of getting what you need in a business environment is not personal, so don't make it.

You will survive the disappointment of others and you'll do yourself a favor by letting that obliger go find another people pleaser to suck from.

Thinking slow

Slow down and savor your life

Daily resolutions at least 4 weeks. Less frequently resolutions at least 8 weeks

In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not. - Einstein (This IS the learn by doing mantra!)

Set up hypersearch for zen habits! Q. Can I hypersearch archive.org?

You can search your past, but how do you search your future?

If you want to search for an answer that hasn’t been given, you create a hypothesis. Searching a hypothesis can produce new solutions ... solutions for problems that don’t yet exist!

And so it goes, in the era of big data, if I could search every book written on a topic, I’d have my answer quickly. If I could access the minds of experts on demand every time I faced an obstacle...!

No simple carbs after 3pm!

I would like to search the book I’m now reading, actually... ask the author questions!

Shouldn’t every nonfiction book have a FAQ section?

Webify your book.... what does that really mean? It means giving your book enhanced functionality and increasing the value to your reader! It allows an author to gather feedback from their readers because they understand the collective wisdom far exceeds their own! It’s about gathering research to be used in their next book, and the book after that, after that... it’s about building a brain trust, a crew of experts who can take the idea much further. It’s like a “Dave Ramsey” - and then the shit gets real. It’s about taking it beyond hypothesis and into practice!

Building a new behavior exposes the systems you live by but never consciously designed.

Shaking up a routine with a micro resolution exposes obstacles that subtly hindered past efforts to improve.

Wow... this speech to text idea of capturing book notes is pretty freakin awesome! I am essentially reading what I would normally highlight and the words are being typed on my behalf. You could literally recite an entire book this way. I spoke into my iPhone (Apple Notes) and then opened the notes on my Macbook.

Why not insert audio notes from the author in the book? You can with PubWriter.

If you aren’t succeeding rethink, reframe, reschedule, and rescope your resolution!