The 10x Rule - Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone not for everyone, but I personally needed the kick in the ass. You can't help by smile at he title of one of his other books: If You're Not First, You're Last. (hint: Ricky Bobby @ Talladega Nights)

Like I said - his style is not for everyone, but you gotta respect I guy who lives by his own code.

The 10X Rule in a nutshell.

Make No Excuses

Successful people know that regardless of how many excuses they make, it will not change the outcome. Even justified excuses will not make a project or person successful. When things go wrong the successful person sees it as an opportunity.

Unsuccessful people spend a lot of energy and time on making excuses, blaming the economy, the customer, prices, competition. Even if this is all true, it just will not improve the outcome and the successful know this.

10X Takeaway: Never make an excuse for any outcome no matter how justified you are.

Get Disciplined

Successful people are extremely disciplined, showing up day after day, willing to do the uncomfortable things to the point they no longer even see such tasks as difficult. This is the result of discipline, practicing the same rituals over and over.

The unsuccessful appear lazy, tend to seek comfort and are likely to put off tough tasks. They allow interruptions, distractions and other clutter into their lives that take them away from setting and meeting goals.

10X Takeaway: Show up every day and do the things you don’t want to do so you can have the things you want.

Dominate your field

Competing with others limits your ability to think creatively because you’re constantly watching what someone else is doing. Instead, overshadow and dominate your industry completely. Don’t try to compete in a space, but become it.

The message you want to send to the marketplace through your persistent action is,“No one can keep up with me. I’m not going away. I am not a competitor. I am the space.”

10X Takeaway: Look to dominate, not compete.


Don’t quit because quitters fail. The only reason why your idea or business didn’t work is because you didn’t stick with it long enough for the market, your clients, and your competition to finally submit to your efforts. Repeated attacks over extended periods of time will always be successful.

Once you take 10X actions and start getting traction, you must continue to add wood to your fire until you either start a brushfire or a bonfire—or burn the place down.

10X Takeaway: Don’t rest, and don’t stop—ever.

Keep Taking Massive Actions

There are four degrees of action:

  1. Do nothing. In this degree of action, you make excuses.
  2. Retreat. In this degree of action, you’re moving in the opposite direction of success.
  3. Take normal levels of action. You do enough to get by (the majority do this).
  4. Take massive action. You take huge amounts of action toward the target.

You’re one the rare people on planet earth if you take massive actions. Numbers one through three are comfortable and average.

A mediocre person will tell you that you are wasting your time, this won’t work in your industry, it is a turnoff to your clientele, no one will want to work with you, and so on. Ignore average people!

10X Takeaway: To have massive success you must take massive actions.

The 32 traits of successful people

You approach every thing as if it can be done. 10x thinkers don't doubt if it's possible. They move in the direction as if it's inevitable.

  1. Have a “can do attitude”
  2. Believe that “I will figure it out”
  3. Focus on the opportunity
  4. Love challenges
  5. Seek to solve problems
  6. Persist until successful
  7. Take risks
  8. Be unreasonable
  9. Be dangerous
  10. Create wealth
  11. Readily take action
  12. Always say yes
  13. Habitually commit
  14. Go all the way
  15. Focus on the now
  16. Demonstrate courage
  17. Embrace change
  18. Determine and take the right approach
  19. Break traditional ideas
  20. Be goal-oriented
  21. Be on a mission
  22. Have a high level of motivation
  23. Be interested in results
  24. Have big goals and dreams
  25. Create your own reality
  26. Commit first – figure out later
  27. Be highly ethical
  28. Be interested in the group
  29. Be dedicated to continuous learning
  30. Be uncomfortable
  31. “Reach up” in relationships
  32. Be disciplined

The 10x Planner