Back Pain

This began as a writing about back pain. It evolved into something else.

I have struggled with bouts of back pain for much of my adult life. It began in my early thirties when years of running began to take their toll.


You can also look into earthing to lessen inflammation... although I can't say it's helped me.

Ways to get rid of backpain

  1. Tiger Balm.
  2. Stretch (I notice legs up the chair works best for me).
  3. Find a new chair to sit in.
  4. Use a heating pad.
  5. Put on shoes (notice how bare feet is causing back pain?)
  6. Breathe / Meditate
  7. Stand up
  8. Observe the pain. Recognize if it's your focus. Raise your pain threshold by putting your attention elsewhere.
  9. Take an anti-inflammatory like advil / pain reliever
  10. I can eat anti-inflammatory foods (and avoid the ones causing inflammation!)
  11. Do core work. A weak core puts unnecessary strain on the back when we sit.