ARCs, Bound Galleys, and Beta Readers

The Fan Building Framework

  1. Write something worth sharing
  2. Share what you write
  3. Listen to comments, gauge interest
  4. Rework what you've written and publish!

How do you find advance (beta) readers?

How to ask for structured feedback.

Using analytics to gauge interest.

Finding new potential readers and future fans.

Do you know how to get good reviews? Put your book in the hands of people who are interested in your area of expertise. Want to know why authors get bad reviews? They found the wrong reader.

Just because I gave you a bad review doesn't mean I'm not a fan. In fact, I may be a bigger fan than you think. I cared enough to leave you feedback.

The trick is to build a model that allows you to prototype your work to beta readers, make changes quickly, and grow your fan base in the process.

We need to learn to ask for help.

Introducing RPM. The Rapid Publishing Model. What is a rapid publishing model? What that allows you to get your writing in front of readers in the shortest possible time.

From farm to table.

One of the perks of living in California is fresh produce. If you live within a few hours of the fields, odds are you can get produce the same day it's picked.

We like what's fresh. Whether it's produce or content. The fresher the better.

With the RPM framework, you can write in the morning, hit save and have your writing in front of readers before the end of the day.