Ask Me Anything LIVE

(Formerly known as The Hot Seat)

Described as:

Upcoming AMA events

Where everyone who attends becomes the center of attention.

You pick the brain of successful individuals and everyone learns his/her secrets of success. The AMA format engages attendees unlike any other format, revealing new truths and often surprises for the speaker and audience alike.

The AMA format floods the VIP with waves of appreciation and allows attendees to see new possibilities for themselves.

How do we discover beliefs and best practices of untapped experts in an industry? Why not invite an audience of seekers to participate in Ask Me Anything Live? Excellence becomes contagious when secrets of creativity are shared equally.

Ask Me Anything LIVE will generate new buzz for your event and live beyond as an option includes to broadcast the event on Facebook or YouTube Live. This unique format provides something different that appeals to anyone. Attendees engage personally, thus deeper, when they can shake the VIP’s hand and ask a serious question that will benefit their peers.

An overview

Part 1 - Attendees share the Hotseat with the VIP.

Two chairs are positioned on stage. Our 'VIP' is in one. As the moderator, I assume the Hotseat to demonstrate the process. I have provided the VIP with a list of questions in advance (see sample below). The VIP will ask me a question from the list or formulate one of his own.

After I answer the question, The VIP draws a name of another attendee who sits in the hot seat. The VIP then asks a question from the list (or comes up with his/her own).

The first part of the event may not be what attendees expected, but allows for three important elements:

  1. It gives the VIP time to formulate his/her own best answers
  2. It creates a closer (intimate) connection between the VIP and the attendees.
  3. It allows the entire audience a chance to get up close and personal with the VIP and enjoy their peers taking a turn in the Hotseat.
  4. It engages attendees in the event by making them the center of attention.

The first thing we say is often closer to the truth. New truths are revealed because the person in the Hotseat hasn't been prepped with the question in advance. The process taps into the collective wisdom of the audience and engages them in the event. You might be surprised to find that Bill in accounting is a hidden genius with a creative side within your own company!

Part 2 of the event, the VIP is put on the hotseat.

Rather than the typical Q&A being asked from one person, the VIP continues to draw names and those called get to step up on stage, share the Hotseat and ask the question. The tables are turned when the answers come from the master in the room, our featured VIP.

The VIP continues to draw names, but this time it's the attendees turn to ask the VIP a question - either from the list or one of their own.

Having the VIP go second is key. It prevents their answers from impacting answers given by the attendees and gives the VIP more time to think about the questions they might be asked (since they were the one asking the questions in part 1). It's extremely impactful because when we hear the VIPs answer, we see a clearer distinction how it contradicts or is similar to the attendees answer becoming more relatable and memorable.

Recording the event produces a cherished artifact. Pictures are taken as each attendee takes the stage and the odds of them sharing the picture on social media are high given they are in it!

As moderator, I’m always amazed at what new truths come out, but more meaningful is the connection the audience feels with the VIP. As the VIP becomes a peer with the many attendees taking the Hotseat, magic happens. I’ve seen attitudes change from envy to admiration - from intimidation to self-worth.


Below are questions I had formulated when we had Jay Asher in the hotseat at a recent event. The questions related to the craft of writing:

The result of this unique format was a more an intimate event that many attendees reported as one of the best meetings they had ever attended. From the VIP perspective, there was nothing they need to prepare, so there was less resistance to participating.

Because the names are randomly drawn, it tends to catch people off guard so they can drop any personal agenda they might have.

Sometimes, these events are done as a surprise. You can keep the name hidden from attendees, but pique interest framing it as a special event (since it's unlike any format you've done before). As people enter the event, they write their name on a slip of paper, but are not told the reason why. This format can also come in handy for meeting planners as a backup plan when a speaker cancels.

Contact me to explore how I can bring the AMA LIVE format to your next event. You’ll amaze for your attendees!

"Answers are the easy part, questions raise the doubt." ~ Jimmy Buffett.

Feel free to email or call me as well with any questions.

Thanks for your consideration and inclusion,

Brian Schwartz
Moderator / Professional Speaker
805-225-1251 (PDT)
brian.schwartz (Skype)

Comments by past attendees