
When you see yourself as an agent, life is a lot less intimidating.

When I sold for another company, I was there on behalf of the company, not myself.

I never felt uncomfortable... I was just doing the job I was hired to do.

It's time to become your own sales agent.

"I am here on behalf of IBM."

"I am here on behalf of Wise Media Group."

Why would you treat yourself any different? The only difference is you're getting paid a hell of a lot more - so take it seriously.

It's time to become your agent. I also have no problem approach readers on behalf of other authors.

You have been an agent for others for 8 years. It's time to become an agent for yourself. Or perhaps you always have - it's a matter of perspective. As an agent for myself, my job was to serve other authors. I did this well. My inbox is full of kudos from author who hired me to be their agent.