
This is easier said than done.

The more I get, the more I want. You'll never be fully content. The more wealth you get, the more you want. The more power you get, the more you want, the more love you get the more you want, the more knowledge you gain, the more truth you seek.

It's like kettle corn - once you start, you can't stop.

Living at peace means to live with the ever present tension that will always exist as long as we live.

We are addicted to problems. No matter how effortless life is, we look for problems to solve. It's like trying to scratch an itch that doesn't exist.

Living at peace means accepting the way things are, how things have already been, and how life will unfold.

If you can't accept yourself for who you are now, will you ever?

Striving to be who you aren't, to be anyone or anything other than who you already are creates unnecessary tension. To resist is to validate the unease. Are you resisting what is, this very moment? How does that feel?

When we resist what is, we are block access to a peace of mind that is our birthright. We are born to cocreate with the world we are born into, not resist it. We inherited our DNA and perspective of our parents. To a large extent, how we move through the world is a product of our own self-imposed limits. Our beliefs of what's possible, what's fair, and what's wrong is in a constant state of conflict to what is.