Learning Activist

That activist approach reflects what researchers call self-regulated learning: the capacity to track how well you’re doing and hold yourself accountable for reaching milestones.

College professors typically expect students to have mastered these skills by the time they arrive on campus as freshmen.

This is reason why putting learning objectives in AuthorDock is a good idea. For

45 Minute Chunks

Studying is more effective when it’s done in 45-minute segments instead of longer ones

What’s the best way to study for a test?

Many students will plunge into marathon study sessions this fall, rereading textbooks and highlighting their notes late into the night. The more effort the better, right?

Not so, new research shows. Students who excel at both classroom and standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT aren’t necessarily those who study longest. Instead, they study smart—planning ahead, quizzing themselves on the material and actively seeking out help when they don’t understand it.

Carl Wilke, a Tacoma, Wash., father of six children ages 4 to 22, sees the studying challenges that students face almost every school day. He coaches his children to pick out the main points in their notes rather than highlight everything, and to look for headings and words in bold type to find the big ideas in their textbooks.

Several months ago, his 18-year-old daughter Eileen tried to study for an advanced-placement exam. Eileen says she struggled with a practice test and realized that she didn’t know how to study. She asked her mother, Catherine, for help. Ms. Wilke sat with Eileen for two hours while Eileen used an answer guide for the test to explain why her answers were wrong on questions she’d missed, then discuss the correct ones. As they worked together, Eileen says, “I was teaching her while simultaneously teaching myself” the material—a study technique that enabled her to ace the test.


  1. Find out what the test will cover and the kinds of questions it will include.
  2. Start at least a few days before the test to plan how and when you will study.
  3. Identify helpful resources such as practice tests or instructors’ office hours to assist with material you don’t understand.
  4. Practice recalling facts and concepts by quizzing yourself.
  5. Limit study sessions to 45 minutes to increase your concentration and focus.

High-achieving students take charge of their own learning and ask for help when they’re stuck, according to a 2017 study of 414 college students. Students who performed better sought out extra study aids such as instructional videos on YouTube. Those who asked instructors for help during office hours were more likely to get A’s, but fewer than 1 in 5 students did so, says the study by Elena Bray Speth, an associate professor of biology, and Amanda Sebesta, a doctoral candidate, both at St. Louis University in Missouri.