Dee Croft - 5 City Strummers

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Sorry if you missed last nights session – hope it’s because you are having fun. It was an upbeat, joyful sing-a-long. So far, eleven of us have signed on to playing a set at the Festival on May 19. If you want to join in, drop me an email. For the next two weeks we have asked that players seek out up beat bouncy songs (not complicated) for us to consider performing. If you have one in mind, send the title or PDF the song to Bev Poorman We will probably meet, day and time to be decided, at the Senior Center during the first week of April to cull the list down to 8 songs. These we will arrange and rehearse over the next three/four weeks to be ready for our Grand Performance. We blew them away last year, lets do it again. Also last night I introduced an opening ditty for our swinging strummers. Others liked it, see what you think! Aloha and have a great day. Dee


Oh dear: I have confused everyone...... the song is in our green book on page 59. Its just that each time I have tried to play it for you, I couldn’t get the tune across because of my croaky voice. I need help from you all in singing it!!

As to the time, I will be opening up just before 6:00 and we will start playing our usual time of 6:30. Sorry for the mix up!!!!! Looking forward to seeing you all. Dee