A writers guide to persistent productivity

Practice. Polish. Persist.

Do the work.

Build boundaries to block the time to do what you need to do next.

An outdoor office pod, do they exist?

Prime the pump. Just show up and start writing. you are priming the pump!

Multi tasking makes you feel worse because you do a bunch of things half-assed.

Don't ask why. Ask why not.

Ask. What platform would allow the author to edit while people read the work?! A living document.

How to be a writer in the E-Age: a self help guide. It was in the bookstore. I wonder how many books I could sell if I got into the 'writers conference' circuit? Wouldn't it likely get me more speaking gigs???? Yes it would.

Consider any failure as a badge of honor!

Ask: what is the value of your writing?

  1. Self reflection (a channeling of my higher wisdom)
  2. A self expression
  3. An avenue to help others
  4. A contribution to a conversation (imagine a infinite panel !

You are an (am writer).

What are the next logical 2 steps to move your writing forward? 1. Schedule a series of seminars that drive me to create conduct. 2. Make an effort to take on less clients that demand my personal time.

Identify and Avoid the sabotaging behaviors (we do it all the time). Are you being a marytr , playing a victim as a self-sabatoging behavior?

Who is on your creative support team? Who are your champions???

Ask who you are writing for. Who can you help?

Novel writing tip: start with a timeline/plotting!

Give my stuff to Cynthia to edit???

Have faith in the process. Do the work.

Unfinished projects drain psychic energy. Finish your projects or formally put them aside.

Set micro goals: to write 1000 words a day.

You need to surround yourself with champions. People who root you on when you need the support. And you will need the support as you climb higher. Mine right now is eckhart tolle.

Rejection is good because it's evidence that you are putting yourself out there!

Failures are seen as experimentation and creativity, you are pushing yourself into the unknown.. It's great to fail!!

If you are living your divine truth, how could you ever fail? Rejection is part of the process. It's evidence you are moving forward, so fail forward!!!

Book subtitle : A real page turner

Subtitle: the Page Turner series.


Surround yourself with people who support you.

Writers collective to publish!! Open a joint bank account!

8up is the power of structure. All you need to start is 1 word!!!

Print ready templates would sell!

Organize your work!

Play games with deadlines!

Dead space is crucial to creativity!

Creatives do a lot of 'nothing'

Naked, drunk, and writing. Personal essay template.

Heroes journey 3 act structure. A writers template.

The plot whisperer . Martha

How to go from being a prancer to being a plotter...

"Forged in Grace"

"The writers mythic journey"

It's the universal journey. See the movie gravity again, it's

Seemly insurmountable challenges are just that... Seemly.

A sympathetic character undergoes a series of seemly insurmountable obstacles in pursuit of a compelling goal.

Read books that sell well and model your own books to them!

there is a sticker of a squirrel on the podium... think about it!