And here we go again... another year. Another set of goals. Am I committed to make a real change this year?

"a Breakthrough goal is a goal that once achieved changes everything in your life or your company's life. It moves you from total anonymity to stardom, it opens you doors that were closed earlier, it automatically puts you in the top 1% of achievers, and suddenly you become a person that is sought after." ~ Mawuna Koutonin

What's different this year is my accountabilibuddy, Brett. Also, my mentors: Tal Gur, Mel Robbins, Tim Ferris, Claudia Altucher, Tony Robbins, Darren Hardy, Brian Tracy, and more.

Books I read in 2018 that I am leveraging: * Idea Machine (Claudia Altucher) * The Compound Effect * The 5 second rule

Reality Based Goals

Goals based on reality makes a lot of sense. Without a starting point, the distance between where you are and where you want to go can't exist.

Recapping 2017 (the metrics)

2017 Highlights

2017 Setbacks

Did I make any goals at the end of 2016? Not that I can recall.

Where am I struggling right now?

10 Goal Method

Brian Tracy has been teaching others how to achieve goals longer than anyone I know. Program yourself for success!

Here are his tips for 2018:

  1. Review 2017.
  2. Set 10 goals for 2018.
    • Write today's date across the top of a piece of paper.
    • Write the date 365 days from today.

Tips: * Don't limit yourself * Write them in the present tense (as if you've already achieved them) and that are positive (I weigh [] - I feel amazing and look good naked.) * Write them so simple that a 6-year old could understand them "It's 12/31/18 and I've earned more than $75,000." I have written a bestseller. Write them on 3x5 cards and review them 2x/day. I would suggest you pick one goal per day to focus on.

  1. Prioritize ONE goal. Ask: What ONE goal, if achieved, would have the greatest positive impact on my life? It becomes your major definite purpose.
  2. Make a Plan. How you'll achieve it - keep refining it. Take the first step. What's the next step? The one you can see. The one after that won't become clear until after you've taken the step prior!
  3. Mindstorm. How can you reach (insert goal here). Go for at least 20 answers. This is like the idea machine approach.

Self-deprecating behaviors

Further Reading:
