The Art of possibility - Ben Zander

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Objective (Desired Result)
Outcome (Karma)
Observations (Reflection)
Obstacles (Concepts limiting our able-ility)

This is a book worth rereading now that I have clarity of the interpreter, and what Zander calls ‘The Measurement World.’ It has some excellent strategies.

It’s all invented

This is about how our perception shapes our experience of reality. That our minds, by design, string events into storylines, whether or not there is actually any connection between them. We will create stories when needed to fill the gaps and justify our decisions.

Our minds construct concepts, which have little to do with reality.

Who we are is what we do, not the self-concepts we’ve constructed up to this point. Even our beliefs are just concepts.

Since it’s all invented, we can invent a story that creates the experience. We are the

The frames our minds create define and confine what we perceive to be possible. Every problem, dilemma, and dead end we face only ‘appears’ unsolvable because of the concepts we have chosen to use to interpret the events. Step outside the box you constructed, observe from a new POV (point of view), and you will discover problems fall away and new opportunities to move forward appear.

Every ‘story’ you tell yourself is based upon a false hidden network of assumptions and self-concepts. It’s about learning to see the distinctions that are keeping you ‘boxed in’ by false barriers creating conditions that are not supporting your desired outcome (prime objective).

Listen to the recording by Joko

You can learn to shift the framework to one in which the underlying assumptions create the necessary conditions to produce the outcome you desire.

Our premise is that many of the circumstances that seem to block us in our daily lives may only appear to do so based on a framework of assumptions we carry with us. Draw a different frame around the same set of circumstances and new pathways come into view. Find the right framework and extraordinary accomplishment becomes an everyday experience.

Apply the knowledge:

“What assumptions am I making,
That I’m unaware I’m making,
Creates what I see?”


“What might I invent now,
That I haven’t yet invented,
That would give me a new option?”

It’s about coming to the conclusion that we get to define the rules of the game. We are the judge, jury, as well as the one being put on trial.

Stepping into a universe of possibility


This practice reveals the abundance of infinite possibility unseen previously.

Ask yourself: “How are my thoughts and actions, in this moment, reflects of the measurement world?”

You inquiry will need to go deeper,

“And how are my thoughts and actions in this new moment reflecting the measurement world?”

“And how now...”

You will quickly realize the futile effort to escape our assumptions is. This is the cosmic giggle. It’s like when someone asks “How are you?” and the only plausible answer you can give is to observe what you are doing, and how are you is answer by you feeling in that moment. Ben wants us to get to the point of answering ‘Perfect.’

"Creating sometimes includes creativity, but most often it does not. As you master the creative process, the unusual becomes usual, and so it will seem less creative. You may be creating, then, and not have creativity. Likewise, you can have creativity but not be creating." ~ Robert Fritz

First Person/Third Person perspective.

To remain separate form, while still passionate about our creations is key. When our creations become part of who we are, we open the door to conflict with those who not view our creations as we do.